Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Hermione moaned as she set the box down on the ground on the only spot that was left, right by the door. She looked around, wondering where the rest of the boxes could go. Though there were only five, they were pretty large and heavy.

All day Hermione and Draco had unpacked boxes from the storage truck that brought them. She wished that she could use magic to bring the boxes in, but Sophie had done that once with the co-worker that worked with her before Hermione came. Sophie said that the books flew apart almost like they were being ripped by a tornado and they had to re-order a lot of books. Madame Glirsh took it out of their paychecks.

Hermione placed her hands on her hips and observed the room as Draco came in with another box. It was four in the afternoon. Already they had the bookshelves on the second story restocked. Now all they had left to do was being in a couple more boxes before restocking the books on the first level.

Draco set a box down on top of another before he wiped his sweaty brow with the back of his hands. The two stared at each other for a moment, Draco beginning to think the same thing she was.

“Would it be okay if I moved the coat rack? Then we can have a bit of space behind the desk.” Hermione suggested.

After a moment, Draco nodded.

“Okay. Do you want to start restocking and I can just bring the rest of the boxes in.” Draco suggested.

Hermione shook her head.

“No. I’ll help you.” Hermione said.

“Granger, I left those boxes last for a reason. They are the dictionary ones that are about 600 pages each. I’ll take care of them.” Draco said.

Hermione shrugged and forced her eyes to look away from him. Ever since one o’clock in the afternoon Draco had his shirt off. He was complaining about the heat and asked if Hermione was comfortable with him being on without a shirt. He told her that if a customer came in that he would just hide anyway in the back washroom.

Of course Hermione always tried not to stare. She had to admit it thought that there was something to stare at. Sure Draco didn’t have a pure six pack, but you could see the makings of one coming. Even though she felt a little red in her cheeks, she made herself look away. It wasn’t just the fact that she was dating Ron, but she knew how she would hate when people would stare at her chest. So, it was only fair, right?

Draco nodded before he then looked up and down her. Like Hermione thought, they did not get a customer and frankly, Hermione was glad that she didn’t have to look disgusting in front of a customer. She stared at Draco when she noticed his look.

“What?” she asked.

“How the hell are you not sweating like a pig being roasted in a dinner?!” Draco muttered to himself.

Hermione smiled.

“I’m a girl, Draco. I never sweat.” Hermione said innocently.

Draco have a face showing that he was about to laugh, but at last moment he held it in, shook his head, and then went back outside to bring in another box. Hermione gave herself a soft smile before she walked behind the desk. She took the coat hanger that held both her coat and Draco’s sweater and coat. She carried it to the door that was right beside the other box. She set it down before grabbing the pair of scissors that she used to open that boxes that she opened to get the books for the second story of the building.

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