Valentines Day OVA

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It was a nice day- in was Valentines Day~

Oh how romantic!

Despite the splendors around Valentines, you didn't really care much for it- and as far as you were concerned, Jotaro found it annoying.

Back at school, every Valentine's Day, he would always get stacks of love confessions and chocolates and sweets and what not.

Yet after all of that- he still found a way to hang out with you.

It was a sweet gesture, sweeter than any chocolate or candy Valentines Day could bring.

Thankfully this Valentines was during a break- so no school girls could separate you two~

But for some reason... when you woke up this made some chocolate dipped strawberries, slipped on a cute dress did only a touch of makeup and styled your hair a tad bit.


Jotaro had left early that morning to observe the high tide and what it could bring on to the shore.

Grabbing the strawberries and placing them in a little bag, you made your way to the beach.

Jotaro turned to see who had started walking towards him on the sand, his eyes widened ever so slightly once he saw you.

"Hey, I thought you could use a little snack!" You hold out your bag to Jotaro.

He held up his hands showing they are covered in sand and that he couldn't eat it on his own.

"Oh right- come here." You gesture him to come closer,

"Ahhh..." you said as Jotaro opened his mouth. You carefully placed a strawberry into his mouth.

"Very sweet...thank you" Jotaro gave you a head pat.

"I..I have more if you want." A little bit of blush rose on your face. You fed Jotaro some more of the strawberries, however at one point he lowered his head into the bad and held a strawberry by his mouth and gestured you to lean forward.

"You should have some too" his eyes spoke, you were a little hesitant, Jotaro pulled your head in and you had no choice but to eat the strawberry.

"Hehe it is sweet~" you giggle.

You and Jotaro had finished the strawberries.

"Hmm I want one more..." Jotaro looked at you,

"Hmm? Ah sorry I only made so many..." you say,

"No. There is one more I could have..." Jotaro leaned into you,

"Im not hiding one if that's what you're thinking..." your face felt warm as he got closer.

"Just one more.." he voice was sultry and gentle as he went in to kiss you, his tongue traveled around your mouth, weirdly enough he was drinking down some of your saliva, he pulled away.

"Thought are my last strawberry." Jotaro said as he licked the corner of his lips.

"H-huh?!" Your heart was racing and pounding.

"You, you taste like strawberries." Jotaro said bluntly.

"Oh!" You realized, you had just finished strawberries it only makes sense that your mouth would still taste of them.

"Hey Jotaro, I thought you didn't really care for sweets..." you ask,

"That's right, I don't..." he said

"Then why-"

"Because they came from made them.
I'd hate to see them go to waste..." Jotaro said looking over to you.

"Oh really? Well thanks!" It made you happy knowing he would go out of his way to take the time to appreciate what you did for him.

"Of course...there is one sweet, I will never get tired of..." Jotaro said,

"Oh? Which one? Like dark chocolate? Or maybe some sorta cake? Or-" you were pulled into Jotaro's embrace.

"You" Jotaro said very smoothly,  he pulled you in and kissed you, your body had melted into the kiss, you couldn't help but bend to his will in this point in time...
He broke the kiss apart and trailed gentle kisses from your mouth down your neck, he started to suck and bit at your exposed neck, he focused on one spot in particular.

Once he pulled away he said,

"Happy Valentine's Day my Candy Heart..." Jotaro stood up,

"H-heart..." you touch your neck, d-did this man—REALLY JUST LEAVE A HEART SHAPED HICKEY ON YOUR NECK?!

Damn right he did.

"H-happy Valentine's Day, you stupid Cupid, stop picking on me!" You smile and giggle.

Happy Valentines Day! I wish you all well! Now- if you'll excuse me, I have an imaginary date with some of my anime husbands, and I must get ready! Cya next time!!

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