Chapter 4

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I don't remember falling asleep. I remember waking up in a bed so soft, I was convinced that I was still dreaming. But I knew I was awake. I sat up and looked around the room I was in, Steve's guest room. I was about to get out of bed to go find Steve when I heard voices outside the door. I could sort of hear what they were saying, but it was distorted, like they were whispering and yelling at the same time.

"You don't know who she is! She could be a murderer, or a psychopath for all you know!" The voice wasn't familiar, and it sounded female. "She's a kid Nancy! She doesn't look any older than  Mike. She was on the side of the road in a hospital gown! What am I supposed to do, leave her there?" I knew this voice, this one was Steve. I waited for more voices, but I heard nothing. There was complete silence.

I walked over to the door and placed my ear against it. Still nothing. Disappointed, I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. When I walked back out into the living room both Steve and the girl's head shot to me. I recognized her. She was the girl from the photo. Steve's girlfriend. I still didn't really understand what that meant though.

"Juni! Your up," Steve said as he stood up from the arm chair he was lounging in. The girl stood up too, but she walked over to me. Steve lurked about ten feet behind her, looking at me cautiously, like he was scared I would turn on my heel and run. "Hi June, I'm Nancy," the girl- no Nancy said. She held her right hand out in front of her. 

I scrunched up my eyebrows and looked down at her hand, then looked back up at her. Her eyes held a mist of blue confusion. She placed her hand back at her side. "Interesting," she said under her breath, but due to the complete silence in the room, you could hear her crystal clear. 

Steve moved so fast that I flinched and took a step back. "I know right!? It's like she's not sure of what anything really is!" Steve said. It was like he forgot I was there, and could hear everything he was saying. I've never liked strangers. In my life, most of the time I met a stranger, I was being forced o kill said stranger. 

Steve was different though. I don't know what it was about him, but I just trusted him. I'd never met anyone like that before. Ever. What if he found out where I was from? What would he do? What- my thought was interrupted. My mind started to fade out. I could see Steve and Nancy talking, but I couldn't hear them. 

That's when I heard her. I heard eleven. She was trying to contact me. I quickly pulled my hands over my eyes and saw eleven. She was right there in front of me. We were surrounded by black in a place I had never liked going to, but I didn't care. 

"Eleven! Where are you? I've been looking for you,"

"I've been staying in the woods, with hop. I don't have much time though he'll be back soon,"

"Eleven, I'm out, I'm out of the la...."

She put her hand over my mouth to quiet me. "Ten, I need you to listen to me. There isn't much time. Learn as much as you can before you go. Then you need to run away from wherever you are. I know you're out. You need to find my friends. They will help you. Find them. Don't tell them where I am. Don't tell anyone you talked to me. You can tell them about everything but talking to me since you escaped,"

I was so confused, "What friends? Who are they?" She glanced to the side of her, like she heard something. But then she looked back at me and said, "Mike wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, and Will Byers." 

I wanted to ask more, but she disappeared. I was about to yell out to her when I heard voices. Steve and Nancy. I pulled my hands from my eyes, gasping for air. "June! June, are you all right?!" Steve said frantically. 

I then realized I was on the floor. I raised my hand and wiped the blood from my nose and stood up. Nancy stared at me. She didn't look scared like Steve. She looked like she had been in this exact situation many times before. The she spoke.

"You're like Eleven aren't you?"

A/N: Hiiiiiii. Hope you like this chapter. I thought this would be a good time to tell you what powers June has. She can control and summon fire, she has visions of the future, and she can find people like El. If you have any questions about the story just comment or message me! Have a nice day/night/morning my lovelies! 🥰🙃😆

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