6) Peter's P.O.V

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"And this room here is where we hold critical meetings, discussing the safety of the city, the country, and most importantly, the world!"

Sat at the long black table were most of the other avengers, engaged in their everyday tasks required by the state. Thor sat, munching on some crunchy white bread, skyping Loki to check on the status of Asgard. Steve, Bucky and Sam were busy drafting up an army strategy map, and Wanda and Vision were working on protective parameters for the city.  

At the sight of Peter and Harley, Steve immediately bounded up and enveloped them in one of his "Freedom Hugs".

"You are Americans, you are FREE!!!! but not from my hugs" he screamed at them, his usual patriotism outweighing common sense. A murmur of confusion rippled through the students, punctuated by "whaaaaaaattttt", "wait these nerd kids know CAPTAIN AMERICA??????" and "renegade, renegade, renegade". 

Peter didn't need to look at Harley to know that he had flushed his usual pinkish red shade of embarrassment, his long, soft hair sticking to his forehead, and his cornflower blue eyes clouding over. And, (for a guy), thought Peter, he looks pretty cute right now. 

"Okay kids! It's time for the best part of the tour," called Mr Harrington, barely containing his own excitement, "You will be split up into groups of 3 and each given a personal run down of what their job is by none other than THE AVENGERS themselves!" A cheer rose through the crowd of kids. "So first up, we have Lily, Emily and Michelle with the Black Widow". MJ rolled her eyes at Peter as she sauntered confidently over to where Nat stood, closely followed by the Tik Tok girls who had, for the first time that day, managed to peel themselves away from their phones. "Then, with Captain America, we have Ned, Betty and Brad" Ned's round face lit up, his infectious smile breaking out over his face at the news that he would be spending the day with not only his secret crush, but his favourite Avenger. Peter was so glad his constant barrage of requests to Tony last night had paid off. Mr Harrington's droll voice continued down the register, assigning random kids to unenthusiastic superheroes that probably just wanted a nap. Finally, he finished with, "And Peter, Harley and Flash, you're with Iron Man!" Tony flashed his snarky grin at Peter, who couldn't believe he fell into the biggest trap. Damn.


After Tony had taken them through his workshop that Peter and Harley had both seen a million times before (Tony was under the impression that they both took immense joy in him explaining his projects even though Peter just wanted to get on with his own), he opened up a Q and A session for the small group. 

"SIR SIR Is it true that SPIDERMAN lives here????" burst out Flash, oblivious as usual to the fact that Spiderman not only lived there, but was standing like 2 feet away from him, "I bet he's SO COOL compared to these losers over here, like, how sad can they even be?"

"Well Flash," said Tony in a voice that Peter knew only him and Harley could pick up the sarcasm in, "Spiderman is THE COOLEST member of the avengers team, but, and I'm going to give you some super secret intel here, he's actually out on a school trip now." 

Peter gasped. How DARE Tony imply his secret identity like that. He honestly had no idea why he still kept his identity secret, given as it would probably make his life easier to tell Flash who he was, but he'd been keeping it secret for his whole life and he didn't think now would be a good time to let that slip. After a VERY cute whatonearthdoestonythinkheisdoing look from Harley, Peter jabbed Tony in the ribs and let out a shutup cough. As his reply, Tony merely winked and proceeded to say, 

"And do you wanna know another SUPER SECRET fact about Spiderman??? Well, not only is he on a school trip right now, but he's with a super cute guy that he is DEFINITELY not crushing on....."

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