Pt 3: Blackout

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'I've made my decision'

I came out of the car after a long discussion with Kylian, but in the end we both knew what I would do.
I walked into ny house and immediately ran upstairs and started cleaning up and packing things away.
I heard a beap from a car outside.
I open the curtains and wave Kylian goodbye as he drives away - hopefully I hadn't inconvienienced him too much today.

My day goes on as normal,
As does my life.

Weeks go by and Ky never even mentions 'that' morning, the propesition he made to me simply a memory - I was fine with that.
Though I did notice I had seen much less of him recently, less than the others. I had a feeling he mentioned the incedent to the others as the other day they started asking questions as we were at me and Zidane's house playing video games in the living room.

"So how are things with you?" Isma asked casually.
"Yeah good, the usual. How about you?"
"Me? I'm fine, don't worry about me, let's just focus on you," he says as he pauses the game and Joe and Zeze look at me. I give them a look of confusion.
"Uh... what's going on?" I ask suspiciosly.
"Nothing, we just wanted to see how our little onion was doing," Joe added with a sympathetic smile on his face... which was odd.
"Yeah," Zeze added.
I sat up from my slumped position on the couch and looked around at them.
"What's going on guys?"
"No," Isma chimed in, "We just wanted to see-"
"I know you know," I interrupted.
They all exchanged glances.
"We don't know anything about you and Ziddy," Joe remarked.
"She didn't even mention that you idiot," an annoyed Zeze replied.
"Oh shut up! Lets just get to the point," Joe says, "Is he beating you or not?"
"Joe! Don't say that. That's rude and insensitive," Isma condemned.
Joe rolled his eyes. "Well we're all thinking it for gods sakes. Look, Crys you know you can talk to us right?"

I sat there, rather taken aback.

"Crystal, don't listen to him. You don't have to tell us anything if you're not ready," Isma says putting an arm around me.
"But," Zeze began, "You might feel better if you do."
At this point they were all looking at me, expecting me to say something.
Instead I began to weep.
And they all gathered around and consoled me.
I couldn't hold it together much longer.
My anxiety is at an all time high.
My depression had never been worse.
It hurts when I walk and talk and eat and sleep.

I tell them everything.
Every little detail.
I hadn't even realised I'd been talking for so long until I heard a set of keys begin to open the front door.

"Shit, he's home! I haven't made dinner," I say alarmed.
The boys reassure me as Zidane walks in on my pity party.
"What's going on here?" He asks sternly.
I wasn't sure what to say.
"What? Can't you guys talk? What's going on?"
"Bro, just chill. We're just talking," Zeze says.

Zidane walks towards me and puts an arm on my shoulder, "What's wrong baby," he asks softly caressing my swollen cheek. I still wasn't sure what to say.
"I think you know what's wrong," Joe says rather rudely.
Zidane stands up straight and towers over Joe.
"What do you mean?"
Joe readjusts himself in his seat so he's more upright and looking Zidane straight in the eye, as me and the others watched on.
For a few seconds they just stare at eachother without saying a word.
I had a bad feeling.

"Whatever happens between my and my girl is our buisness, and no one else's. Do you guys understand?
He says looking around the room.
It was silent.
"I get that but it becomes our buisness when you put your hands on our friend," Joe speaks again. At this point I was practically shitting myself in fright.
Of course there had been times when the boys had scolded Zidane for his behaviour, but it had never escalated this far before.
Zidane looked over at me now; shit

"Is this what you been teling them, yeah? You been chatting shit?" He raises his voice as he walks towards me.

"Hey, calm down. She didn't say anything," Isma spoke as he instinctively put a protective arm around me.
"Oh shut up Isma, you pussy !"

"Yeah, she didn't have to say anything. We could see the scars all over her," Joe spoke again, this time with a bit of anger in his tone. I could tell he was getting a bit adgitated now.
Zidane laughs and turns away, clearly unsure of how to defend his actions.

"What's happened to you, man? How can you hit a woman? You're pathetic!" Joe spat.
In a flash, Zidane runs over to him and grabs him by his hoodie.
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, J?"
"I'm talking to you, you piece of shit!"
At this point we were all stood up trying to break them apart.
You know what, get the fuck out my house! All of you!"
"Alright fine. Crystal, come," Joe says.
"What? Are you crazy? Crystal is staying here! Now fuck off!"
"We ain't leaving without Crystal," now it was Zeze's turn to speak.
"She's my girlfriend, you idiots. She ain't going nowhere."
"No! She is-"

"I'm staying."

They all looked at me, all with differing expressions.
I looked down in shame.
Zidane laughed as he walked over to the front door and opened it, waiting for them to leave. Joe was the last to leave, and as he did he gave me a look. I couldn't quiet make it out but I knew it wasn't good.

I heard the door shut and my anxiety suddenly sky rocketed as I anticipated what would happen next.
Zidane walked in slowly and looked at me, then wrapped his arms around me.
I was scared.
"I never really want to hurt you, you know that right?"
I nod.
"I love you. Let's take it easy tonight."
What? What's going on? Why was he being so calm?
"Did you make dinner?"
Oh no.
"Uh... no sorry. It's jus-"
"No, it's fine. I'll order something."
I was extremely confused at this point.
It was unlike him to be so calm.

The rest of the evening was laid back.
We ordered food.
We ate.
We laughed.
I knew I had made the right decision.
To stay.
He wasn't perfect, but he was mine.
And I loved him.
And I know that he loves me, and never really wants to hurt me.
My phone rang amidst our conversation.
I declined it.
"Who was that?"
"Oh, just Kylian."
I could see his face tense up a bit.
"But I don't want to speak to him, I just want to be with you," I said reassuring him.
He smiled.
But the phone kept ringing, and I kept declining.
"Coukd you get me a drink please, babe?" He asked.
"Yeah sure," I say as I get up and head to the kitchen.
I walk back with a glass of orange juice in the rocks; his favourite.
"What's this?" He asks holding up my phone.
"What? What's the matter?"
"Don't act dumb. These messages!"
"What messages?"
"You know exactly which ones:

'Crystal I'm worried about you.'
'Crystal I love you.'
'Crystal I want to help you.'
'Crystal you deserve better.'
'Crystal you can still move in with me.'

What the fuck is this?" He shouts now right in front of my face.
"Zid, I - I don't know why they said that. I- I don't even know who sent that."
"Are you fucking him?"
"What are you on about?"
"Don't talk to me like-"

The phone starts ringing again.

"Answer it," he says
"But can't we jus-"
"Answer the fucking phone! And put it on loud speaker."
Hesitantly I answer and put it on loud speaker.
"Hi Kylian. Umm, I'm kind of busy at-"
"Crystal? What's going on? The boys told me what happened! I've been so worried about you. Are you alright? Listen, I'll come and get you."

"NO! No, no Ky, everythings fine," I say looking at Zidane.
"I can't believe that son of a bitch! What a dickhead. You should have just moved in with me when I asked."


"Moved in?" Zidane asks.
Zidane grabs the phone and throws it across the room.
"I knew it!" He screams, "I knew you've been cheating you slut!"
"No, no I-" suddenly a fist pummels towards me at lightning speed.

I black out.

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