"Queen Elsa will arrive here any time now", the chubby man said walking away to escort the Queen in to the gardens.

I couldn't wait.

Elsa's P.O.V

"Your Majesty, they're ready", I heard Kai saying, behind the door.

"I'm coming."

I placed the documents I was holding on my desk, before walking towards the direction of the man. The new guards were waiting; they had to take an oath, according to the protocol. They were supposed to be on the ballroom but I asked for this to be changed only because I needed to take some fresh air. I had never thought being a Queen would be so... suffocating.

We were soon close to the gardens. I could already see the new guards' figures standing still.

As I made my way out, everyone bowed down.

"You may rise", I said calmly.

All men, and women, straightened their backs and looked at me. I could see they were all ready to take the oath. However, I had to learn their names first.

I went to each one of them and examined them carefully; they all seemed trustworthy.

I was almost done with this 'process', when I laid my eyes on a young (H/C) woman. I gasped and quickly walked to her. She startled once she saw me approaching, but still managed to keep her intimidating posture.

"It's you!", I exclaimed but my voice came out only as a whisper. She nodded and tried to hide her half-smile, by bowing down. She got up from her curtsy and laid her eyes on mine. It might sound crazy, but I had missed those eyes. They looked deep into my soul like they had done it a million times before. I was so happy to see her; I still hadn't figured out what this feeling meant but now she was here, it would be easier.

"Your Majesty?", Kai called. I turned my head to the butler and nodded; I knew those guards were waiting but they could wait a little longer for their Queen, couldn't they?

"I need a moment", I said, confusing the man. Once he saw the woman next to me though, he turned pale and even more confused.

"Your Majesty, she's-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence; I had already turned my attention to the young woman.

"Follow me."

She looked confused but did as I told her.

We started walking in silence, and I was surprised it wasn't awkward.

"What's your name?", I asked what I've been eager to know the past few days.

She chuckled. "Depends. Which one do you want to hear, Your Majesty?" she answered with her soft yet hoarse voice. It seemed like it was the result of not talking much.

I raised my eyebrow, questioning her answer.

"People have given me many names. You choose which you want to know." Her answers were unveiling a strange feeling of mystery that left you with even more questions.

"Your real name. I want to know your real name", I answered without giving it a second thought.

"(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)", she said proudly. I looked at her surprised. "My father had served the King, your father. So, I get why it sounds familiar".

'It's not only your last name that sounds familiar but, also, your name. Let alone how familiar you look, too'. I almost said that out loud. I couldn't help it. Everything about her felt like already known.

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