Chapter One: The Lesson Notes!

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“How much do I get if I do this?”, Abby Timber asked the teacher as she held on to the folder of lesson notes.

“$20.”, the teacher, Mrs. Noble replied.

“I refuse. I could be hurt doing this job, who do you think I am to accept this? I'm no fool.”, Abby replied sitting the folder down on Mrs. Noble’s desk.

“Come on! Please do it for me! He won’t let me in and he refuses to do anything I ask. He’ll never except you to go. He’ll take it from you.”, Mrs. Noble whined.

“How much?”, Abby asked again.


“I’ll do it. I want my money tomorrow.”, Abby threw the words over her shoulder as she walked out the office with the folder in her hand.

She had raised the cost of the job because of the fact that this was a life and death experience. Just to give lesson notes to a boy named Luke Thomas, also known to be the most terrifying and scariest person around, could decrease her life span.

She could remember what he was suspended for and her usual frown deepen. Only a few days ago did he beat up an upperclassman and put him in the hospital. There was blood everywhere as evidence and he was lucky he didn’t get expelled or even put into jail. Rumors say he beat him up because the upperclassman had said something he didn’t like. Or that he had done something to Luke that made him mad.

But Abby knew what the truth was. She was there when he was beating up the poor kid.  The unpperclassman was getting his butt kicked by Luke and Luke wasn’t even breaking a sweat. Abby threw it out her head. She had no time to think about such nonsense. She had to get the lesson notes to him and go home to study. There was no time to be thinking of other’s lives. It wasn’t any of her concern at all.

She walked down the sidewalk in the direction of his house. It wasn’t long before she stood in front of a huge building. She walked through the doors and to the main desk. The person behind it was lost in something he was doing on the computer. Abby tapped her hands on the desk and the guy’s eyes shot up to her. “What?”, the guy asked.

“What manners you have. I’ll like to know where Luke Thomas is. What room?”, Abby asked narrowed eyed at the boy. This was why she couldn’t stand people. They had no manners or respect for those around them and then wanted her to treat them kindly. But that was how most people think and it was completely stupid.

The guy smirked and leaned his hands towards Abby’s face. Abby slapped his hand away. Her face expression didn’t change though. Maybe it was because her experssion always showed that she was mad or plain bored about everything. Right now it was mad.

“I didn’t ask for you attraction. I asked for the boy’s room number. Back off.”, Abby said.

A guy walked down the stairs and interrupted their conversation. “You looking for Luke?”

Abby turned and stared at the newcomer. He wore black sunglasses even though they were indoors. Brown, caramel skin with black hair and grinning made him look attractive. He wore a dark green button down shirt with a pattern of squares. He even had on black jeans and sneakers to match the outfit. Abby didn't see the purpose in having a cigarette in his mouth when it wasn't lit.

“Yeah. You know him?”, Abby asked.

“Yeah, and he ain’t here.”, the guy said.

Abby blew out an annoyed sign. So she had walked all the way here for nothing? She could have been studying right this moment. But she wanted the money for the job. She looked at the newcomer and asked, “You know where to find him?”

“Not a clue, that boy is everywhere. Good luck. By the way what’s your name? If he comes back I'll tell him you came. By the way mine’s is Mike Sharp.”

“Abby Timber.”

She turned and walked out the doors. What was she going to do now? She was walking past an alley when someone grabbed her wrist and put their hand over her mouth. They yanked her into the alley and she felt her head on someone’s chest. It was too hard to be a girl’s. She heard someone whisper hardly but sharp, “Be quiet or I’ll rape you.”

She nodded slowly and the hand left her mouth and wrist. She knew that voice anywhere. She turned to look at Luke Thomas. He had black hair in a bang that needed to be cut because it was in his dark grey eyes. He wore a red t-shirt with a black jacket over it. He had on black jeans and sneakers. He stared down at her. She looked him in the eye.

“Is that how you greet people?”, Abby asked

“I thought you were Mrs. Noble. She’s been trying to take me back to school and do homework.”, Luke said staring at anything but her.

“Well I’m not her. Here.”, Abby said shoving the folder to his chest and turning around. She began to walk away when he heard him say something.

“You’re Abby Timber, right?”

Abby stopped in the middle of a step but didn’t turn around. “Yeah.”

“See you later, friend.”

Now Abby turned around. “Who said I’m your-“

Her sentence was cut short when she saw the smile on his face. She felt the heat try to travel to her checks but she resisted the urge and she turned around again. She sped walked away from him and towards her house.

What was wrong with her? Why was her heart beating faster than a mile? Why couldn’t she get the way he looked when he had smiled out her face? She threw all the stupid thoughts out of her head. She didn’t have time to waste thinking about that boy.

She had to get home and study. She had already lost more time then she had accounted for. How was she to know that she and Luke weren’t done meeting each other yet? She had predicted for her life to go straight back to normal. But of course, life wouldn’t be as entertaining as it is today if things stayed normal. So, let the real fun begin.

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