His whole life, the thing he'd wanted most, outside of Armen's safety, was to fit in. To belong somewhere. Anywhere. To not be judged for the strangeness of his appearance, the claws on his feet, the venom in his teeth. But everyone he'd ever met treated him exactly the same. Like a monster.

Pain made Drake's claws dig into the stone. And they were right. He was a monster. He would never fit in. Not anywhere. He wasn't even supposed to exist. He was a creature like Caine.

Pain exploded in his head, and he groaned, rocking back and forth as he held his head. The words of the journal that he'd found in the library swam before his eyes. He wasn't human. Never had been. He'd read the book and stashed it away, never showing Grayson or Miya. Even now, shame burned in his thoughts. What would they think, if they knew the truth?

Suddenly warm arms wrapped around Drake, and he tensed, his breath coming in short hiccups. "Shh." Grayson's voice was warm in Drake's ear. "It's okay." Drake closed his eyes, pain in his heart. No. It wasn't okay. It never has been.

Grayson's hand rubbed Drake's back, fingering his shifting scales lightly. Drake rested his head on Grayson's shoulder, letting himself cry there. Only for a moment. It would only be for a moment. Grayson held Drake tightly, and Drake wondered why he was even still here. Grayson should be out there, taking down the Empire and avenging his family.

Grayson's hand ran through Drake's brown hair, and Drake shivered at the touch. He curled closer to Grayson, feeling grief weighing heavy on his soul. Grayson's arms embraced him, holding him tightly, as if he were afraid of Drake slipping away from him.

He felt Grayson lay back, pulling Drake with him. Drake cried softly, resting his head on Grayson's chest. He missed Armen so much. He didn't want to lose anyone else close to him. Ender particles swirled around him. But he would lose anyone close to him. Caine's face flashed briefly in Drake's mind. Caine would make sure of that.

Pain erupted in Drake's chest as he realized what he must do. If he truly cared about Grayson, he would have to push him away. He would have to make sure Grayson was no longer close to him, make sure the outlaw would want nothing to do with him. But how?

Drake closed his eyes. Longing burned in his chest, something he'd felt for awhile, but had never acted on because it would make Grayson hate him. The man was married, for crying out loud. He didn't want to lose Grayson. But he had too.

Drake lifted his head, moving up so that his face was inches from Grayson's. Wide, brilliant emerald eyes gazed into Drake's mismatched ones, his expression one of confusion, concern, and sadness. Drake stayed still, drinking in every detail of Grayson's face. He wanted to remember Grayson, and this may be the last time the outlaw ever speaks to him. "

"Drake?" He whispered, sounding confused. "Are you okay?" Drake blinked at Grayson, feeling tears threatening in the corners of his eyes. Then he pressed foreword, pressing his lips against Grayson's. He felt Grayson jerk with surprise.

Then, much to Drake's shock, Grayson began to kiss Drake back, lifting himself up to gain more ground. Drake couldn't help it. A purr like sound rose in his throat, and he felt his spines rise with pleasure. Grayson's tongue explored every inch of Drake's mouth, then lightly meeting Drake's as if to reassure him, say, 'it's okay'.

Suddenly, in an expert move, Grayson lunged at Drake, rolling the hybrid on his back. Now Grayson was on top, kissing Drake passionately, positioning himself between Drake's legs. Drake kissed Grayson back, hesitantly reaching his tongue out. Grayson's tongue met Drake's again gently, and the outlaw let Drake explore his mouth, chuckling gently.

After Drake was finished, they slowly broke the kiss, gazing at each other for a long moment. Grayson smiled, his eyes practically glowing with happiness. His hand lightly brushed Drake's cheek, making the hybrid purr. Drake stared into Grayson's green eyes, knowing he was a goner.

All the outlaw had to do was look, and Drake melted into his emerald eyes. "You really like me?" Grayson breathed, his voice soft and full of wonder. Drake gazed at him, at a loss for words. His eyes said it all. And this time, it was Grayson who leaned down, kissing Drake tenderly.

Drake shifted, purring. The two fought for dominance, but of course, Grayson won, holding Drake down. "Push over." The outlaw teased, kissing Drake's neck. Drake relaxed under Grayson, loving the feel of Grayson's lips pressed to his neck, the outlaw's hands slipping under his shirt.

Grayson grabbed onto Drake's shirt, lifting it off of Drake's chest and whistling appreciatively at Drake's bare chest. Old scars ran across Drake's torso, and Grayson lightly ran his hand over them. Drake took Grayson's hand in his own, leading him through each individual scar. Old burns, slashes from swords, scars from when Drake was still trying to learn his powers.

Grayson's hand paused over a huge burn, shaped exactly like a man's hand, grabbing onto Drake's waist. Drake flinched, then took Grayson's hand in his own, turning so Grayson could see the full mark. Grayson climbed off of Drake, turning Drake around so that he could see Drake's bare back.

Drake heard Grayson gasp slightly , his hand lightly touching Drake's back. Drake flinched slightly, fingering the scars on his wrists; shaped like chains. He could imagine his back, criss crossed with so many scars that not a sliver of skin was spared. And, right on the small of his back, the branding.

"Canem" The word burned into his skin. Latin for Caine. Property of Caine. Drake closed his eyes, the memory of ash and smoke, blood and death. Pain. Grayson's arms wrapped around Drake once more. His fingers lightly brushed the branding.

Caine had kidnapped and tortured Drake. Had branded the hybrid as his. And now Drake had to protect Grayson from the same fate. Even if it meant saying goodbye. Forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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