Fire and Ash

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Grayson POV

Grayson was quiet, staring blankly out at the ocean. His feet dangled over the side of the temple, and the ocean raged, smashing against the rocks below him again and again. He fingered the golden ring on his finger, the moon reflecting on the water and in his golden locks, making his ring flash in the soft, white light.

His hip ached from the battle at the Magic Library, where Armen had shot a fireball at him and knocked him off the ledge. He'd nearly fallen into the lava. Grayson closed his eyes, remembering the heat rising from the erupting volcano, the lava rising around them as they fought for their very lives, him and Drake and Miya.

Grayson opened his eyes again. Miya had vanished, Grayson hadn't seen her since he'd turned and walked through his portal. He'd been the first to go through, after Armen had died. Grayson raised his eyes, his gaze on the stars above. At least he was in a better place now, no longer possessed by the demon who'd haunted him since he was a child. Caine.

Grayson sighed, closing his eyes again. An eerie sound rose from the temple behind him, a whine that rose and fell in pitch. Grief, sadness, and love ringing from every note. It was hauntingly beautiful, in a strange, otherworldly way.

The whine rose into a higher octave, ringing out into the still night air. Grayson opened his eyes and glanced back, looking up towards the sound. His heart twisted in his chest. Standing on top of the broad temple roof, his figure a black silhouette against the light of the full moon, was Drake.

Purple particles floated around his abnormally tall form, as the hybrid lifted his head and continued the haunting melody. Grayson blinked back tears. It had only been two days since they had left the Library, two days since Armen's death, and Grayson could already see the change in Drake.

He constantly had bags under his eyes, and Grayson would often hear him crying out, or sobbing quietly. Drake hadn't spoken a word since he'd appeared at his home, shortly after Grayson. No matter how hard Grayson tried, he couldn't get Drake to speak to him.

His eyes were constantly glazed with pain now, and his eyes glowed almost constantly. Grayson couldn't bring himself to leave him. More than anything, Drake needed a friend now. The thought both made him want to hug Drake, and brought a pain to his chest. A friend. Grayson gazed at Drake's silhouette, listening to the haunting voice. Drake, crying out his grief to the world.

Drake POV

Drake closed his eyes, bowing his head and letting the whine in his chest fade, then disappear completely. But it wasn't gone. Grief made his limbs feel heavy, and tears that burned formed in his eyes. His hands shook as he sank to his knees, hugging them close to his chest. Armen.

Pain erupted in Drake's chest, and a sob rose in his throat. His face appeared in minds eye, teal eyes shining with tears, black hair whipping in the wind that didn't exist. The ground turning gray at his feet. Falling. Drake reaching. Blackness. Armen's voice echoing in Drake's head: "I don't even know where you came from!" Darkness pressed in his mind, and voices, memories, echoed through his head.



"Kill it!"


"It doesn't belong here!"

"I don't serve your kind."

Drake began to rock back and forth, his breaths coming in gasps. His whole life, he'd been treated that way. The End particles swirled faster around him. He'd never understood why.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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