6) Xue Yang's Adoption

Start from the beginning

Xiao Ying continued to wander around the area when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her shoulders. She was getting ready to hit the culprit when he held her close and said "I'm right here. Were you worried?"

"Of course I was worried! Don't play around like that! I almost had a heart attack!"

"I was down in Caiyi Town getting you a gift, I also have something to tell you."

The two sat behind the bush where they normally sat, moments of silence passed between the two.

"Eh, Xue Yang, didn't you have something to tell me? Why are you suddenly quiet? Is something wrong? You are never quiet."

"I just don't know how to tell you this."

"Tell me what?"

"I-, well-, I um, I have to leave."

"Leave? To where? Why? Will you still come to visit me?"

"I wish I could still come visit you every night once I leave, but I can't. I'm being adopted."

"That's wonderful news, Xue Yang! By who?"

"I'm being adopted by Wen Clan of Qishan, I have to go live in Nevernight, I won't get to come visit you anymore. I don't think they will love me when I get adopted by them if I'm being honest, you are in Lan Clan, you must have learned a little bit of what they do."

Xue Yang walked around Caiyi Town like he normally did in the mornings, once he was done he headed towards the gate to walk back up to the entrance of Cloud Recesses. Before Xue Yang even took a step in that direction he was grabbed by a pair of arms and his mouth was covered. 

"Don't scream for help when I let go." Xue Yang nodded his head and the man let go.

"You are Xue Yang, son of Xue Chonghai correct?" (It's never stated who his parents are but at one point in the series Wei Ying and Lan Zhan suspect this man is his father so we're just gonna go with that because Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are never wrong lol.)  

Xue Yang nodded.

"You have to come with us to Qishan. His excellency Wen Ruohan wants to adopt you. He'll take good care of you there. You won't have to live out on the streets"

But I don't live on the streets... It's better not to tell them anything about Lan Ying and the Lan Clan. 

"I have a few belongings where I sleep at night, can I get them tonight and then we can leave?"

"That is alright, but make it quick."  

"I'm sure not everyone in Wen Clan is bad, there has to be at least one nice grandma who will take care of you don't you think?"

An awkward silence settled in between the two kids. Xiao Ying went up to Xue Yang and gave him a hug, burying her face in his shoulder to hide the fact that even though her mouth was spouting out positive encouragement, she was crying on the inside.

"I'm really gonna miss you, you know? When are you leaving?"

"You are very bad at keeping your emotions in you know that right 小美女 (little pretty)?"

The little girl stayed silent, letting out a little sniffle. 

Xue Yang tightened the hug. "I'm really gonna miss you too 小美女. I leave tonight. I convinced them to let me grab my things and I have to hurry back to the edge of Caiyi Town and go, but before I go, I have something for you."

Xue Yang pulled out two little stars from his pocket (picture above) and handed Xiao Ying the yellow one.

"XueXue, shouldn't you give me the blue one so it matches me?"

"That is exactly why I am not giving you the blue one. The blue star is you, and the yellow star is me. I'll keep the blue star, you keep the yellow star, that way, we'll always be together and you'll never forget me."

Xiao Ying took the yellow star from his hand smiling at the little star made out of paper.

"I'll never forget you." 

"I won't forget you either." 

The two gave each other another smile before turning around and walking away from each other. 

"Xue Yang! Wait!"

He turned around and was met with a pair of little lips in contact with his cheek. Xiao Ying pulled away and looked at him one more time "Be safe. Take the blanket I gave you so you'll still have something of mine other than the star. I won't tell you goodbye because I know we'll see each other again."

He nodded and gave her a final hug before turning around and walking down the mountain towards Caiyi Town, tears silently falling down his face.

Xiao Ying slowly walked up the steps and back to her room, crying and feeling that every step closer to her room was a step farther from Xue Yang.

Xiao Ying slowly walked up the steps and back to her room, crying and feeling that every step closer to her room was a step farther from Xue Yang

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The two babies had to part :(((

Anyways this is all for this chapter next chapter is a small filler chapter and then the one after that is going to be a chapter in Xue Yang's perspective.  

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