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"Sounds great" Chloe said.
"Okay. I'll text Jesse telling him we're staying here. You can pick a movie out." Beca said pulling out her phone.
"Okay" Chloe said leaving the room.
Beca: Chloe and I are staying here. We're gonna watch a movie in my room
Jesse: but you hate movies?
Beca: it's to make chloe feel better
Jesse: okay. I'll stay down here with the boys.
Beca slipped her phone back in her pocket before going over to her closet to get a new shirt. Once she changed she headed over to her bed to see chloe laying down with the movie ready to play. Beca chuckled to herself as she headed over to lay beside chloe.
"What movie are we watching?" Beca asked.
"The Hate U Give" Chloe said, moving herself to lay her head on Beca's chest.
"Sounds good" she said wrapping her arm around the girl.

Once the movie finished, chloe looked up to find Beca asleep. Chloe went to get up but Beca pulled her closer in her sleep. Chloe smiled as she turned to lay more on Beca. She drifted off to sleep on the girls chest.

A few hours later Beca woke up to chloe basically on top of her. Chloe had her legs between Beca's and her head on her chest. Beca smiled as she ran her fingers through the redheads hair. Chloe hummed In approval as she slowly woke up.
"Hey sleepyhead" Beca joked and Chloe smiled.
"Hi" she said before cuddling closer to Beca.
They heard a knock on Beca's door.
"Come in!" She yelled.
"Hey Bec, Benji and I managed to get our first gig at the park tomorrow. Their having a variety concert, I secured us an hour." Jesse said popping his head in.
"Oh thats awesome. Didn't think we'd get our first show so quick. We probably should rehearse some more" she said.
"Yeah probably. Benji and I will set up downstairs." He said before shutting the door and leaving.
"Come on. I need to go rehearse." Beca said nudging chloe to get up.
They both got up and headed downstairs. Chloe's brothers were playing xbox on the opposite side of the basement from the set up.
"Okay let's start with 'Someone to You' and go from there." Beca said and the others nodded.
Jesse and Beca picked up their guitars as Benji hit the drums.

I don't wanna die or fade away
I just wanna be someone
I just wanna be someone

Dive and disappear without a trace
I just wanna be someone
Well, doesn't everyone?
And if you feel the great dividing
I wanna be the one you're guiding
'Cause I believe that you could lead the way

They continued rehearsing until Benji needed to go home. It was around dinner time so everyone headed up to the kitchen where Mr. Mitchell had been cooking.
"Enjoy guys" he said as he set the food on the table.
"Thank you again Mr. Mitchell for letting us stay here" Chloe says as she dishes some food onto her plate.
"It's no problem at all chloe. You and your brothers are always welcomed here and can stay as long as you need." He said was a soft smile.
They ate dinner with small conversation. After Beca did the dishes while her father showed chloe and her brothers around the house and the room the boys will be staying in. Once Beca finished, her and Chloe went up to her room and got ready for bed. It wasn't late yet so chloe convinced Beca to watch a movie with her. Half way through Beca fell asleep. Once the movie was over, Chloe turned off the tv and got into bed beside Beca. She cuddled up to the girl and they both peacefully slept through the night.

The next morning Beca woke up to chloe basically on top of her. She gently moved the girl so she could get out of bed and shower. She then got dressed and headed downstairs to find Jesse, Lukas, and Braden sitting at the table eating breakfast.
"Good morning guys" Beca said pouring herself some cereal.
"Morning" the twins said at the same time.
"Hey bec, where's chloe?" Jesse asked.
"She's still sleeping. Hey, what time did you schedule our gig?" Beca asked.
"11am. It's 9:30 now so we got some time." He said.
"Alright cool. I'm kinda excited to perform again" Beca said waiting down.
"Me too" he said.

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