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"Dude that Perry Guy, such a dick" Stacie commented as they all sat on the couch.
"Stace you've brought this up like seven times" Beca chuckled.
"I just don't like him" she mumbled.
"Well good thing we didn't sign with him then huh" Jesse laughed.

Chloe turned her head to look up at Beca and smiled.
"What you smiling at Beale" Beca smiled.
"You. You gave up your dream for me" she said happily.
"It's not a very good dream without you in it" Beca said almost immediately making Chloe giggle.
"Such a charmer" she giggled.
"What can I say? I've got all the ladies falling for me" she joked earning a slap in the stomach from Chloe.
"You ass" she giggled.
"Becaaa!" Jesse whined suddenly.
"What do you want" she chuckled.
"I'm bored and we haven't wrestled in a while so come fight me" he smiled standing up.
"Seriously?" She asked.
"Yes seriously. Now get up before I make you" he challenged.
"Fine. Move the coffee table" she said standing up.
"Yes!" He fist pumped into the air before moving the table out of the way.

Beca lifted Chloes legs so she was laying on the couch before pushing it back a bit.
"Why are you moving the couch? We never move the couch." He asked.
"Because you like to body slam me onto this couch but it currently has precious cargo on in so.." she trailed off after hearing Chloe giggle again.
"Oh my god your such a love struck nerd!" He exclaimed as he picked her up from behind.
"Hey! Put me down!" She said trying to wiggle free from his grip.
"Nope" he laughed.
"There is no honor in this." She grumbled.
"Oh calm down I'm just moving us to the center" he laughed.
"I could've moved myself" she huffed, not noticing the other three trying to hold in their laughter.
"You ready?" He asked setting her down.
"Bring it Swanson." She smiled.

The next twenty minutes the two wrestled on the floor while the other three couldn't help but laugh.

"Suck it Swanson!" Beca yelled as she jumped up.
"I let you win" he laughed.
"Keep telling yourself that buddy" she smiled.
"Yeah yeah" he laughed as he stood up.

They all went off into their own little worlds for a bit before Stacie spoke again, "Do you think you guys will sign with that Theo guy?"

Beca turned to her with a shrug, "Probably, I mean he isn't making me give up my relationship and he owns a legit studio. Sounds good to me" she chuckled.

"Have you two thought of a new name yet?" Aubrey asked, joining the conversation.
"Not really. We haven't had much time to think about it" Jesse answered.
"What if you call yourself Duo? With Benji it was The Three, now it's the two of you so Duo would work." Chloe suggested.

Beca thought to herself for a moment before smiling, "that might work Beale."
"We'll probably go with that until we think of a different name or it just sticks." Jesse spoke.

"Hey when's Chic coming back around?" Stacie randomly asked.
"Uh I'm not sure, why?" Jesse asked.
"It's just been a while since we've seen him" she shrugged.
"He comes around for the holidays but I'm not sure of any other times" Beca commented.
"You should get him down for one of your concerts." Aubrey suggested.
"And you could finally meet him" Jesse smiled.
"That's going to be entertaining" Beca laughed.
"What why?" Aubrey asked confused.
"I use to call and rant to Chic all the time about everything when I came out, you mostly. He hates you" she laughed again.
"Well shit" she said.
"I'll keep him from killing you I promise" Jesse said.
"Thanks" she smiled.

For the next few hours the five of them hung out doing anything and everything they could think of.

Beca randomly turned to Chloe with a smile, catching the other girls attention.
"What are you smiling at weirdo"Chloe giggled.
"Just the most beautiful girl in the world" Beca shrugged with a smirk.
"What happened to being a badass Beca!" Stacie yelled, breaking the two out of there own world.
"I'm still a badass stace, things are just, different, around her." Beca said, turning to face her friend.
"It's been like forever but I still can't get use to you happy and in a relationship" Stacie smiled.
"I honestly can't either. Never in a million years did I think I'd be in a relationship" Beca chuckled.
"Why's that?" Chloe asked.
"I was Beca Mitchell, the emotionless Lesbian that nobody dared to approach. I had those two, Benji and Emily but that was it. Nobody wanted to know me for me so I just didn't think I'd ever date" she explained.
"Well I'm glad I wanted to know you for you" Chloe said as she leaned up to kiss the girl.
"I love you" Beca smiled.
"I love you too" Chloe answered, giving her one more peck.

Stacie looked around to her friends with a smile, "let's make the rest of this year our year. That means keep out of trouble Michell"
"Let's do it" Jesse smiled.

It's decided, there going to make this year there year.

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