"I'm mad at you, so it's all good."

"Me? Why are you mad at me? What did I do?"

"You're driving my best mate nuts!" James threw his hands up in the air in frustration. "I can't take it anymore! The dormitory smells like cigarettes! We went to prank Snape and he was supposed to keep watch, but he fell asleep and Flitwick caught me, so now I have detention! And there's dog hair everywhere!"

Eva squinted at him and asked, "dog hair?" Even under his glasses, she could see James' hazel eyes go wide.

"Long story. It's not important. What is important is that I am out of ideas! The other two aren't helpful, either! Remus just keeps saying to be patient and leave the two of you alone, and Pettigrew keeps making bad jokes. I'm actually going to go mad."

"Remus might have a point," she mumbled under her breath. Things tend to work out if you leave them alone. "What were you trying to do to Snape this time?"

Eva never approved of anyone bullying anyone else, especially with the crap she got from the Slytherins about her parents. She knew firsthand what it was like to be made fun of over things she couldn't control. It wasn't his fault he wasn't athletic or social, just like it wasn't her fault that she came from a family of Muggles. In fact, she was proud of it. Not many Muggle Borns secured a seat at Slughorn's dinner parties, or became the first female keeper in Gryffindor Quidditch history.

"It involved a color-changing spell and a mouse we found on the fourth floor, but that's all I'm going to say. We want to try it again next week, so the less you know, the better."

"Ah. Got it." She finally shelved the book and the two began to walk through the halls towards the changing rooms for Quidditch.

As they walked, a few Slytherins girls threw her dirty looks. She returned the glares with a friendly wave and bright smile. After watching the interaction, James frowned.

"They giving you problems again?"

"Same as always. Nothing that I can't handle. When I smile back, they get all flustered. It's reverse psychology."

"I don't know what that is, but I know they're idiots."

"And unlike them, I know how to use a microwave, so who's really the winner here?"

"Very true." He high-fived her and grinned devilishly. "Race you to the changing rooms!"



As Eva pulled her hair back into a bun, she nodded along with whatever strategy Mitchell McKinnon was going on about like she was actually paying attention, but her thoughts strayed elsewhere.

Maybe I should forgive him. Eva knew that she cared about Sirius more than she wanted to admit. Ever since third year, they'd been practically best friends, not that the road to friendship was easy for either of them. Even this dispute over letters wasn't necessarily surprising, considering the pair's history.

Many arguments had taken place over the years. So many, in fact, that their friends kept a running list of the Taylor-Black Feuds on an enchanted piece of parchment.

The Great Debate on Hippogriffs

Feminism in the Wizarding World

Is Water Wet?

What Amortentia Would Smell Like to Minnie McGonagall

Pens versus Quills

Will James Ever Get a Date with Lily?

Why James Will Probably Never Ever Get a Date with Lily (Seriously. NEVER).

Is Flirting with Teachers to Get Out of Homework Bad?

She smiled to herself. Sirius always found a way back into her heart, no matter what he did. She just wasn't sure whether she was ready to forgive him just yet, especially after what Regulus had told her.

He read them all...

"Eva? Are you with us?" McKinnon glanced sideways at her.

She nodded vigorously. "Yes, definitely. I'll, um, I'll get my broom." When she emerged from the broom closet, a shaggy black dog trotted into the room, pink tongue out as he ran into her arms. "Look who's back!"

James rolled his eyes when they fell on the dog. "The dumb mutt's back for another year, eh?"

"Don't say that!" She covered the dog's ears and glared at him. "He might be able to hear you!"

"I'm sure that he can."

Eva had no idea where the dog came from. He always appeared when they were in the room, and the team had taken to calling him their mascot. An unspoken agreement between teammates instructed to never tell the teachers about him, lest he be thrown out.

She scratched between his ears, causing his tail to wag. "Don't listen to Potter. He's what we girls call an idiot."

"I heard that!"

"Good! Maybe you'll take notes." She giggled and gave the dog a kiss. "I'm definitely getting a dog when I graduate Hogwarts."

James raised his eyebrows in amusement, like he knew something she didn't, and suggested, "just take that one. He's probably gonna need a home."

"I should! That would be so fun! He's so cute. Aren't you, boy? You're just a cutie." She continued to pet him until Mitchell cleared his throat. She stood up, slightly embarrassed. "Sorry."

"It's fine, just... try not to be like that on the pitch. We want people to take us seriously."

Eva's embarrassment morphed into anger as she turned to look at the captain. "Meaning what?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but it's... well, it's uncommon for a girl to be a keeper. You're the first one we've ever had, and you're the best we have, but most teams stick with guys for that position. Don't give them the wrong idea about you."

James cringed and waited for the inevitable explosion. Even the dog stopped wagging his tail and flattened his ears as he stared McKinnon down.

"I'm sorry, is this the 1920s? If so, I'll leave. If not, get your nose out of the past. If I want to play keeper, it shouldn't matter if I think a dog's cute or wear makeup!"

"That's not what I meant-"

"Then what did you mean? This isn't a stuffy dinner party. This is Quidditch. I'd appreciate it, McKinnon, if you leave preconceived notions off of the pitch."

Without another word, she swept out of the room, her gold and red robes billowing dramatically behind her. After an uncomfortable minute of silence, Mitchell followed her out. James, on the other hand, picked up his broom and addressed the dog.

"Padfoot, that does not count as kissing her."

The dog stuck its tongue out and bounded away triumphantly.

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