Part 11 - Tips

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The Bahubali gang were walking towards their hotel.D spotted an ice cream cart and ran towards it.

D: Raj! Raj! Come here!

SSR went to him and the rest followed.

D: Buy me ice-cream! Pupsoo wants chocolate flavour in cone...!

He said pointing at the menu card.

SSR: We had a scrumptious dinner just now.Before that you munched a hot dog,cotton candy and popcorn now you want ice cream...give a break to that stomach.Come let's go...

Refusing to leave the place,D kept a face as if he was about to cry.

Ra: Achooo paapam buy for him he's asking no...

SSR: Yeah he's 3 year old kid asking and I will buy for him.You and vadina are the ones spoiling him!

D: If it was Peddabauji,he would have bought me all the ice cream in the shop he never says no to me...😔

SSR: He will buy you stars and moon also can this poor man afford that much ??

D: I'm asking for a small ice can't afford that much for the boy who spent 5 years of his life for your single movie?? 😢

That touched SSR's heart.

SSR: Ok ra,you as much as want...

D: Mmm...double scoop for me then...for Sweetu ma also...

SSR: For her ? Only you asked no...

D: Pls Raj like me she also sacrificed alot for the movie played the role of princess,lover,wife and mother...carried a big prosthetic bump because you didn't allow us to make real bump...she is paapam...

SSR: Huh...uh...ok..ok... one for her...Which flavour you want talli ?

S: Scotch!

D held his chest at the mention.

D: Vammo! Sweetu Ma! What is this ?? When I came to see you your father and brothers told you had no vices and you were a homely girl believing their words I married you but now...oh no I've been cheated! 😭

S: Uff! Dramatic pupsooo pa

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S: Uff! Dramatic pupsooo pa...scotch as in butterscotch!!!

D: Happada! Thanks to god my choice was right...Raj,get one for bava also no...afterall there would be no Baahu without Bhalla...

SSR: Hmm look there...

R already began licking his rum n raisin ice cream while the scotch commotion was going on.Everyone else got an ice cream as well.Slowly excusing from the rest D tugged S along with him.When they were a little distanced from the others,

D showed S his ice-cream.

D: Bangaram,taste this...

She tasted his ice cream and in return she too offered him a bite from hers.He got an idea.He purposely ate messily so that ice cream was smeared around his mouth.

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