One hour later

"Izuku sweetie wake up were hear." -Overhaul

"Hmmm were are we?" -Izuku

"Still in the car. We're at the fair." -Overhaul

"You saw that on the schedule?" -Izuku

"Yes, now get off me so we can go have some fun!" -Overhaul

"Oh Okay! s-sorry." -Izuku

I got off of Kai and helped him stand. Eri was already awake and was kicking her feet in her seat. Kai opened the door for us and we both step out. I pick up Eri and hold her close so she doesn't get lost. She is already smiling. She pointed at a roller coaster while looking at the place with curiosity and excitement. She is so cute sometimes. We walk to the gate and Kai takes us to the VIP section. Kai gets out our tickets and the man scans them. He doesn't check us for weapons though. That is probably a good thing considering I have guns on me and Eri has a few knives. We walk through and I drag our group off to the shooting games. I pay for one and go ham on those wooden clowns. Needless to say I was banned from shooting games for getting all the prizes. Well Eri has a lot more stuffed animals now. We walk around for a bit till Eri sees a fishing game. Me and Kai were trying to avoid that game. It is so dirty! Eri dragged us both over there and even blackmailed us to try to get a fish. I hate this! We pay to each pay because of Eri's blackmail and attempt to get fish. I got 8 of them and then I just stopped. I now have 8 goldfish. I guess they might like living in the goldfish pond. Kai somehow managed to get 16 before his inner germaphobe got to much for him to handle. Eri got 23 after we showed her how to do it correctly. Next it was Kai's turn to pick. He picked the bathrooms which I agreed to immediately. We went there and washed our hands but we still felt dirty. Next we went to a video shop so I could get bags to put all our stuff in. I also got a snow globe from there with a picture of us in it. Eri picked out a roller coaster for her and Kai to ride. I happily stayed back and held everything while they rode the death carts. After that is was Kai's turn and he of course picked another coaster. I stayed back agian. Once they were done ridding that thing I chose bumper cars! Luckly there was a place for us to put our stuff there. I annihilated those peasants in bumper cars! After we did that Eri saw some cotton candy. Me and Eri got a pick cotton candy and Kai got blue. Kai then picked that we go get lunch. We ended up getting some ramen. It was very good 5/5! After that I choose that we go play a water gun game that I haven't played. We all played the game and I kinda won all the prizes agian. Oops! With another stop to get oversized bags we were off to the  carousel. I got on a two person horse with Eri and Kai just watched us. Once we got off the place was really crowded. We decided it would be best to leave. We started to leave the place when I saw them. The league of Villains I pulled Eri behind me so they won't see her. They noticed us and I glared at them. We kept walking to the car and I kept Eri out of there view. They started to follow us. I handed Eri to Kai and told him to have the engine running. I then stopped walking and turned around. I glared at them and had my hand close to my gun.

"Need something?" -Izuku

"No just wanted to know why there was a child with you?" -chapstick

"None of your business Chapstick." -Izuku

"You sure about that baby face?" -Chapstick

"Positive, man-child" -Izuku

"I don't think that your telling the truth KID." -Chapstick

"Then you can see the obvious. Good job. Now if you don't mind we are busy with important matters. Have a horrible fucking day bipshit!" -Izuku


"Use your brain BIPSHIT!" - Izuku

I then full on sprint to the car. Kai opened the door and I slipped in. The driver took off immediately after. We speak back to base and we all checked for trackers. Once we got back I put all of Eri's toys in her room and took some of them to mine and Kai's room. We put the goldfish in to the goldfish pond. They will like it in there. We then all go take showers to wash all the germs from getting those fish and breathing the same air as the league of Villains. After Me and Kai Finished showering I went to go cook dinner and he went to make quirk canceling bullets from Eri's saliva. It is gross but it is better than blood or skin. Kai cares to much about Eri to do that and Sensei's last wish. Also we may be villains but we are not monsters. Sensei died a few years back. Some other gang killed him and left his body infront of the old base. Overhaul destroyed that hole city's gangs system till he killed every last one of them in a very gruesome manner we were all pulling all nighters to find these people. Once we finished he was still really mad. Eventually I calmed him down before he went to destroy another town's hole gang system. There were no witnesses left thanks to Kai's 'little' rampage. He left no one alive from there gang. No one knows it was him though except for us. Me and Kai are still the youngest people hear though. Well aside from Eri. I finished dinner and put it out for all the people that work night shifts. I made me and Kai a plate and took them to our room. I carefully opened the door and saw him working on something at his desk. I didn't question it and just put down his food beside all of his paperwork. I put mine down on my desk and went to go make Eri's plate. I walked back in to the kitchen and made Eri her food and made her a cup of warm milk. She likes it before bed. I took the food to her room and set it on her desk. She ran in to the room from the bathroom and started to eat. I patted her head and left the room. I made my way back to Kai's room and saw that he was not in there. Weird. I closed the door with my foot till I was grabbed from behind. I was going to tackle them till they kissed me. Dammit Kai. I looked up at him with a glare. He just gave me a cocky smile. I glare at him still and try to break free from his grip. He puts his head in my neck. I am stuck now. He picked me up and sits down at my deck with me in his lap.

"Can I have some of your food to?" -Overhaul

" 'sigh' Yes, Master." -Izuku

I started to eat my food and Kai took some of it. Eventually I finished but Kai would not let me get up. He picked me up and turned of the lights. He then locked the doors and the brought me to our beds. We cuddled up to each other and I pulled the blanket over us. We then went to sleep in each other's arms. Today was a good day.

Overhaul's broccoli bodyguard (Finished)(Overdeku)Where stories live. Discover now