He could hear your tired chuckle over the phone and it almost caused him to melt, but he didn't want you to think less of him when you said you were worried about him. Mammon would have a been a lying demon if he said hearing you say that didn't make his heart speed up just a little. He shook away the blush as he tried to keep up the act.

Mammon: "N-Now see here y-you I don't need a lowly human worryin' bout me an losin' ya precious sleep." There was silence, did they fall back asleep on the silver-haired demon.

(y/n): "Sorry, I just had a feeling, I guess I was wrong then." You say before yawning again. This piqued the demon's interest.

Mammon: "Oh, so you had a feeling huh, what kind was it?" He asked wanted to hear something good to try and help him relax and fall back asleep.

(y/n): "I woke up with the sudden urge that you needed me. That something was wrong." Mammon's blue eyes widened as he glanced at his phone, the message had been from you and not the witches as he thought.  He wanted to cry again until a realization occurred of why that could be.

Mammon: "Y-ya probably just affected by our pact! You probably do the same with the others." He declared completely sure that he can't be the only one despite how much he desperately wants to be.

(y/n): "Maybe..." You say in a sleepy tone.

(y/n): "But you're the only one this happens with." His eyes widened at hearing that.

Mammon: "S-s-s-say that again." He quickly stammered making you smile.

(y/n): "You're the only one who...*yawns* it happens with. I never get feelings like this from any of your brothers. It's probably cuz you're my first man." Mammon saw beyond thankful this conversation was taking place over the phone and not face to face. He knew his face must have been redder than a tomato with how warm he suddenly felt. He would have been lost in his thoughts until your voice brought him back.

(y/n): "You can come and lay with me if you need to." You say unware of the shock you placed on the demon. Before he could reply, you spoke first.

(y/n): "You have a key, come cuddle." He blinked in surprise. How did you know that he stole away your key for a few hours one time to make a copy, just so at night occasionally he could come to check in on you while you slept. He didn't question how you knew about the key copy. You were smart and he probably gave it away.

Mammon: "I-I suppose I, THE GREAT Mammon, could give the greatest honor to a human like and you and let you cuddle me for a minute or two." He said as he said up and started pulling on a pair of jeans and underwear to cover himself. He could hear your chuckle again on the other end, telling him to move his butt. A big smile grew on his face as he pulled his head through his shirt.

Mammon: "Such a bossy human." He laughed before heading to his door.

Mammon: "I'll be there in a second." He said gaining a tired 'uh-huh' from you. The demon of greed quickly and quietly sprinted through the halls of the house of Lamentation, trying to make it to your door without waking any of his brothers. He didn't want to deal with any of them right now. As soon as he reached your door he pulled out his wallet, and tucked behind goldie was a golden key to your room. He put the metal piece into the keyhole and turned it until he heard the click signaling that the lock had been released. Quietly he opened the door and slipped inside, closing it just as quickly. It took him a moment to let his eyes adjust to the darkened room. Over towards your bed, he could barely make out movement as you rolled over.

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