Sang Wan subconsciously raised her eyes to gaze at his deep and dark eyes, and her cheeks immediately flushed with red. The wind blew gently across the lake, bringing with it a unique smell of vegetation and water.

She darted her eyes slightly to escape his gaze, but her heart was pounding uncontrollably inside of her.

Shi Fengju’s lips twitched a little. There were numerous times when the words were already at the tip of his tongue, but he would be hesitant to let them out. Thinking too much always led to being afraid, and he was afraid that he would not get the response he expected most.

After all, he did not attempt to hide his dislike and disgust towards her when she was first married in, so how could he request her to reciprocate the same feelings he had towards her now?

“Ma’am! Look over there, there are so many water chestnuts!” The small wooden boat stopped, and Cui Ling dropped the scull. Grinning from ear to ear, she walked over to the side of the boat and leaned herself against its side before reaching out to pick those water chestnuts near the surface. The water chestnuts were dark brown and had a pointy end like the ends of a bull’s horn. They were no larger than a thumb, small and uniquely shaped.

“Ma’am, for you!” Cui Ling plucked seven to eight water chestnuts and threw them into a basket before giving them to Sang Wan. With eyes sparkling, Cui Ling grinned, “Ma’am, have a taste! Those have grown to a right size so they’ll surely be sweet and refreshing. As for those, they’re a little old, but they’ll taste good when pan-fried! There’s still more in front! I’ll pick a few more, then Ma’am can bring them back to give Mistress and the rest to have a taste too!”

“Sure!” Sang Wan smiled and she took a water chestnut from the basket before peeling it.

“You lass, have become more thoughtful!” Shi Fengju could not help but smile.

Cui Ling giggled and swayed as she turned around.

Faint traces of water dribbled down Sang Wan’s fingers and she could smell the fresh fragrance coming from the water chestnut in her hands. However, the shell of the water chestnut was slightly hard and not easy to peel off. The boat swayed slightly to a side, and Sang Wan, who was not paying much attention, accidentally poked her finger with the tip of the water chestnut. A sharp pain surged through her and a tiny droplet of blood formed on her fingertip. “Ah,” Sang Wan could not help but cry out softly.

“What’s wrong!” Shi Fengju, who originally was looking at her with a smile, was startled and grabbed her slender white finger before sucking at the wound with his mouth without thinking. He coddled, “Does it hurt? You should’ve been more careful!”

Sang Wan’s face was already flushed red and had her head lowered, not daring to look at him. Shi Fengju remained oblivious and hurriedly seized the handkerchief that was on her waist before carefully wrapping it around her fingers. Feeling concern for her, he babbled to himself, “We’ll wipe some ointment on it later when we get back. You should be careful, don’t touch the water and any dirty things!”

“It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a tiny wound. It really doesn’t hurt!” Sang Wan said softly, not daring to look up.

“You still have to be careful even if it’s a small wound. What it gets infected!” Shi Fengju frowned. After he was done tending to her wound, his heart was finally at ease and he went to peel off the shell of a water chestnut, revealing its tender flesh. He hovered it near her lips and said, “Come, I’ve peeled it off for you. Eat it.”

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