I sighed. "I'm not sure, Asabeth," I replied.

I could tell Zyn was getting uncomfortable with the situation. After all, he was my boyfriend. Hearing me tell a girl I may have had feelings for her may not have been easy for him to hear.

"If not, that's fine," Asabeth said, kind of loudly. I heard a few prisoners stirring in their cells.

"Good," I replied almost instantly. "Yeah. We'll just be friends."

I could suddenly hear Zyn's thoughts. Yeah, sure, he thought.

"Shut up, Zyn," I said.

"I never said anything!" he argued.

"No, but you thought it," I replied. "Maybe don't think too loud."

He glanced over his shoulder at me. "We're about five minutes away," he said, gesturing to a hall coming up.

We rounded the corner, and immediately, the hall flooded with security guards. I ported Polly and Liz to our location.

"We need your help," I said, pointing down the hall.

Polly nodded, and she and Liz ported to the group of guards. "Hey, guys. What's up?" I heard her ask. Then I heard punches being thrown, grunts, and noises sounding slightly like the fairy wands from old movies.

"What's that noise?" I asked Zyn.

"She's killing them," he replied, glancing down the hallway.

Liz and Polly ported back to us. "You're welcome. See you around," Liz said as she and Polly disappeared again.

Zyn rounded the corner, Asabeth and I following, our senses on high alert. The slightest drip of water or shuffle of a prisoner caused us to go into full-on fight mode.

At the end of the hall, I could see a bright light. As we got closer, I saw it was coming from a room, not unlike the interrogation rooms in police stations. However, this one was circular and had glass completely surrounding it. A chair sat in the middle, a dozen spotlights shining on it.

Then I saw the figure sitting in the chair.

Finally, we got to the room. "This is it," Zyn said as I looked at Lucifer, chained to his chair in the middle of the bright room.

"Can he see us?" I whispered.

"No, but he can sense us," Zyn replied.

I'd lost my connection to the angels and demons, but I could feel Lucifer's aura like Florida heat in July. It literally made me want to murder someone.

"I do have that effect on people," his voice thundered through the halls. "Nice to see you again, Jenny Moore."

"Wish I could say the same," I replied, my voice shaky.

I circled the round room, looking for the door. There were three doors I'd found, and I had no idea which was the secret one. "It doesn't look like a door," he replied, looking at my thoughts.

"Stop doing that," I replied, shuddering at the thought of literal Satan knowing what I was thinking. I needed to keep my mind off Asabeth, or he'd know how I really felt about her. I wasn't sure I was ready to know then either.

"I know why you're here," he said. "I wish it was just to keep me company. That would've been nice."

"Shut up, Lucifer," I growled under my breath as I looked around for anything that could possibly have been a door.

"LIsten to me," he said. "That door you're trying to close, it can't be closed from out there. It's in my cell."

I exchanged a worried look with Zyn. "One of us has to go in there," I whispered.

"How can we trust him? He's Lucifer!" Zyn argued. "We don't have any idea what the door is, where it is, if it can even be closed! We don't know anything!"

"It's the floorboard about five feet to his left," Asabeth interrupted. I looked where she said, and noticed one of the pieces of floor was slightly peeling.

"That's it," I said, suddenly feeling a rush of energy. "How are we supposed to close it?"

"We can't open the door, or Lucifer will absorb a lot of power," Zyn said.

Then we both got the same idea.

"Unless somebody ports in there."

"I'll do it," Zyn volunteered without hesitation.

"No, I can't let you," I replied, grabbing his hand. "This whole thing is my fault. Let me do something good and restore the natural balance."

"Yeah, and then you get to spend the rest of eternity with the devil. Do you really want that?" Zyn said, pulling me a little closer to him.

I kissed him. "If it means saving the world, I don't care."

Zyn locked eyes with Asabeth, who was standing behind me. I looked over my shoulder at her, and she nodded. She locked eyes with me, mouthed something I couldn't quite make out, and ported into Lucifer's cage.

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