1. BigHit Entertainment

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Sound without a voice

   Words flowing from mind to pen, natural was how you felt. This was you.  This felt as if it was meant to be even with no voice,  you place the paper in a white envelope,this contained your song submission and resume to the BigHit HQ.  you stamp it, sealed it and now, to send it.  You cradle the envelope to your chest, wishing it best luck.  Grabbing your bag and heading out the front door, you head to the small mail box outside your apartment. 
      A older gentleman notices you and calls out, "Good day Y/n? " The older man says as you smile back nodding holding the letter to him to see.  " Hm? Oh let me see.". He says putting on his glasses and squinting at the small envelope.  " BigHit eh? Fancy company if I do say." You nod and hold out your note pad with the words written, " I'm hopefully going to get a shot this time!"  "One can hope Y/n, good luck dear!" He shouts as you skip down the walkway to your mailbox only to see the mail truck driving away. "No wait! Don't go!" You run after the tuck as it pulls to the street.  Trying to wave it down but to no avail.  It was too fast for you to keep up.  You fall to your knees and cup your face groaning internally.  They were stopping the polls tomorrow, you need to get this letter there by today, you missed your chance to mail it ,so there was only one other choice.  You figure it was thirty minutes by bus. 
     "Don't really have a choice, oh well it won't be too bad!" You think to yourself as you head towards the stops.
   The bus ride was quick. Here as you stand, looking up at the Grand buildings known as BigHit Entertainment.  You pump yourself up by taking a deep breath before walking through the doors.  The building was full and busy, there were people who wore suits and professional dress wear walking around chatting amongst themselves.  You felt out of place.  Everyone looked clean and experienced, as for yourself, you look down at your own attire.  A mid calf light blue dress and some pump shoes.  As much as you wanted to run, you came too far to back down.  You pushed forward to the receptionist desk.
   " Welcome to BigHit Entertainment, do you have an appointment" the older women, no older than twenty maybe early thirties, with a big smile you could tell was faked. 
  You shake your head no and hand her the
   envelope pointing at it.  She gave you a funny look as you wrote on you notepad.
"This is for the contest your hosting."
   " Ah.. yes thank you" she unsurely says as she takes the envelope and puts it in a letter tray with what looks like other letters.   You pray yours at Least gets a phone call.  "Will that be all?" You nod as you show her a
pre- made page, " thank you for your time."
She looks you up and down in one moment and gives you a dismissive sound.  This doesn't bother you, can't really blame her, she had no idea, for all she knew you were just too shy. You were odd, yes, but some people just don't have a opened mind. 
     Your thoughts are stopped by the sound of girls and some guys screaming wildly, you turn your head and see a heard of people swarming outside the doors. 
      You look to the receptionist with a concerned look and she gives you a sad smile at you for not knowing.        " This is BigHit Entertainment, we have many famously known icons and idols here dear," she says with a sigh knowing this is going to be a problem today seeing how many were here at the entrance.
    " From how their screaming, I'm going to guess it's BTS".  "BTS eh?" You have heard of them and their music but didn't know they would this exciting so be around.        " They must be pretty well known here for the town to be here to see them."  You start for the doors when one of the boys catched your eyes and sends you a smile.  You smile back and he turns to his friend next to him.You were so focused on getting out of there do to your anxiety to crowds you did not see the person in from of you.  You collided with a solid body and pall backwards, your notebook falling beside you.  " Sorry about that miss your so small, I didn't see you" the large man (bodyguard you presumed) said offering a hand. 
     You take it and get back to your feet. You nod in a sign of thanks when you look down to your mess of a notepad and begin to pick it up with the help of the bodyguard.  A handsome boy kneels down and hands you a stack of your papers,"here you go miss," you nod silently thanking him when another comes up behind him and throws his arms around him
"Sugar what's going on?"

  "Sugar? Wait isn't that Jimin?, Oh my God..... What have I done." 

sound without a voice (BTS x mute reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ