Chapter Three

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I just want to, really quick, thank those of you who voted and commented. I wasn't going to publish anymore chapters but I'll continue for you guys. xoxo

Abby and Marcus spent the first two or three hours on the ground getting everything in order. Abby was filling the makeshift medical tent with her supplies while Marcus was giving orders on who was doing what. Everyone was more than happy to help, the mood on the ground finally feeling positive.
"We need to send a team out to look for the children." Abby says, walking up to Marcus.
"I have Major Byrne on it already. We leave first thing tomorrow." He replies.
"We?" She asks with hope.
"Me and a few guard members-"
"I'm coming with you." She tells him.
"You're staying here."
"Abby, the people need order here. You can give them that-"
"My daughter is out there, Marcus. I'm coming with you."
He smiles and shakes his head.
"So, so stubborn." He sighs, making her smile as she realizes he gave in.
"Let's go." She says, grabbing her backpack and moving around to stuff medical supplies inside.
"I told you, we leave tomorrow-"
"That's not good enough. Our people are here. Now. They need our help. I won't rest until I find them." She says, slinging the bag onto her shoulder. Normally, Marcus would fight with her, he hated letting her tell him what to do. But he knew she would leave with or without him.
"I'll find Byrne." He says reluctantly.
They searched the woods for hours, trying to find any sign of life. But there was nothing. No animals, no birds.
"Marcus, did you hear that?" Abby whispers, appearing beside him.
"It's probably nothing." He says. The woods were strange and mysterious, making everyone on edge.
But then Abby heard it again. A groan. Only this time, everyone heard it.
"Eyes alert. Be cautious, we don't know what we're dealing with." Kane says, holding his gun up.
"It's the kids-"
"We don't know that." He replies, glancing back at her.
"Stay here. I'm gonna go up ahead and make sure it's safe. I'll signal you when it's clear." He tells her.
As Marcus slowly walked toward where the noises came from, he came upon a small clearing in the trees. He couldn't believe his eyes as he looked through the scope and saw two kids on their knees, their faces bloody and filled with mud as they look up at a strange man who held a sword in the air, ready to kill.
There were shouts from across the clearing as two more kids ran toward the man with the sword. Before they could get themselves killed, Marcus pulled the trigger, sending the man to the ground. He slowly stepped out of the trees, two guards on his flank.
"It's okay." Marcus says, looking between the four kids who looked like their eyes were about to pop out of their heads.
"We're here now."
Marcus looks down at the man he killed. He kneels down and turns him over, revealing tattoos covering his face. He glances around the woods before nodding at one of the guards to give the rest of the search team the all clear.
Abby rushes towards the two bloody kids, her heart breaking for them. They looked tired and scared, not to mention how dirty they were.
"Don't stand." She says, her medical side taking over.
"I'm fine. We need to get back to the drop ship." Bellamy says.
"Where's Clarke? Is she alright?" She asks.
"She was when we left. We'll take you to her." Bellamy says, already leading the way.
"Almost there, Abby." Marcus whispers to her, making her smile.
As they come near the drop ship, Bellamy and Finn stop, looking at each other.
"What? What is it?" Abby asks, sensing their unease.
"It's too quiet. Somethings not right." Bellamy says, looking around.
"I'll take it from here." Marcus says, already walking toward the ship. Abby goes to follow but Marcus stops her.
"Abby we don't know what's in there."
"My daughter-"
"I'll bring her out when I find her. You're staying here." He orders. She knew better than to fight his orders when he was acting as chancellor.
He disappeared into the drop ship, coming out moments later with a young boy walking beside him and a girl in his arms.
"Raven." Abby whispers, running to them.
"Get a stretcher." She calls out as she reaches them.
"Raven, what happened?" She asks.
"I was shot. Abby...Clarke isn't here. I don't know where she is." Raven says, her eyes half closed from exhaustion and blood loss.
Marcus looks down at Abby sadly before carefully placing Raven onto the stretcher that two of the guards carried over.
"Murphy." Bellamy says, walking toward them.
"Hey, glad you made it-"
"You murdering son of a bitch!" Bellamy shouts before tackling Murphy to the ground and punching him. Marcus immediately intervenes, pulling Bellamy off of the young boy.
"Stop! There are rules! Laws!" Marcus yells, surprised that it had gotten this bad this fast. He turns to Bellamy and glares at him.
"You are not in control here anymore."
Marcus looked back at everyone who was staring at him, waiting for orders. Everyone except Abby who was using a rock to scratch a message onto the side of the drop ship.
"Let's move out. We need to get back before dark."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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