Teammate - Vivianne Miedema x Reader

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prompt: you make your debut for the leeuwinnen

I took a big breath as I looked at myself in the mirror

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I took a big breath as I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair had been braided into two tight French braids that fell past my shoulders. The orange jersey I was wearing felt like it was weighing me down, but I couldn't help but admire myself. The color was bright and beautiful, and the logo of the lion seemed to be roaring at me in the mirror.

"You ready?" asked a voice from the doorway of the bathroom. I turned around to face Vivianne, who was leaning against the doorframe.

"Nervous," I admitted, and she smiled.

"When I played for the first time I almost threw up on the field," she said, and my eyes widened.


She nodded with a laugh. "Shan passed me the ball and I totally froze, Daan had to give me a shove,"

"No way," I said with a laugh.

"Being nervous is normal," she reassured me, and I grimaced.

"I'm terrified I'm gonna screw up on the field and my career will be over before it even starts," I said, and she walked over to me, looking me straight in the eyes and putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Listen to me. That's not going to happen," she said determinedly, "You're an incredibly talented player and we're lucky to have you here,"

I nodded weakly.

She turned me to face the mirror and looked at me through it.

"Straighten your shoulders, take a deep breath," she instructed, before giving me a smile and a squeeze, "You got this,"

I nodded, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat.

"Okay," I said breathlessly, "Let's go,"

We walked back into the cheering room, where the other girls were starting to file out. Despite my stomach feeling like it was going to drop, I did what Viv told me and followed them out.

In the corridor, I could hear the roar of the crowd in the stadium as we stood in line, the opposing team standing next to us.

A whistle sounded and we walked out. The light from the stadium was so bright I was momentarily blinded, and the sounds of screaming and cheering thumped in my ears. We lined up to sing the anthem, and I let out a shaky breath as I took in the sheer amount of people sitting in the stadium. I felt a hand find mine and squeeze it tightly, and I could see from my peripheral vision that Viv smiled. We sang the anthems, and then formed our huddle.

"I want to see everything you got out there," Sari said loudly, "We know we can beat them and we will, I believe in us. So give it all you got ladies, and let's play some football!"

"Samen!" screamed Sherida.

"Sterk!" We returned.



We stood in our formation on the field, Shanice and I on either side of Viv. The whistle went, and I got a nod from Viv, before she passed the ball to me. We moved like clockwork, as I passed forward to Shanice and ran forward to make myself open. The team moved up as a unit, putting pressure on the opposing team. The ball came back to me and I sprinted I get it. There was a defender running in my direction, expression determined. I wasn't going to give in, and as I dribbled to evade her, she charged in with her shoulder. There was a gasp as we collided, and momentarily I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I came down hard on my shoulder, rolling to one side as pain shot through my back.

The whistle sounded sharply and I took a deep breath as I laid on the floor. I turned onto my back and sat up, looking up to see Viv approach me.

"Are you okay?" she asked, worried.

I nodded, standing up.

"She just came straight at me,"

"I saw, that's supposed to be a red," Viv said as she frowned when the ref showed the other player a yellow card.

"No, no," I said, brushing the grass off my arm, "We both charged in pretty hard,"

The ref had come over to us, and I could see Viv wanting to open her mouth to say something, but I put a hand on her arm.

"All alright?" The ref asked, and I nodded, "Who's taking the free kick?"

"Spitse," I said, nodding towards one of the orange-clad players jogging our way. She gave me a nod, before lining up to take the kick. I quickly jogged to the goal and had gotten in position just as she raised her hand and took the shot. The ball sailed towards me, and I leaped as high as I could. The ball made contact with my head as I directed it towards the goal.

I watched as it sailed through the goalkeeper's hands and into the back of the net. My mouth opened in shock as the crowd roared around me. Danielle was running towards me and jumped at me, a huge smile on her face.

"Goal on your debut, good job girlie," she said in my ear as she hugged me, and I felt my other teammates huddle around me, cheering.

It was the best feeling in the world.

The game went on after that, with Danielle scoring another goal and the opposing team two.

We needed one more to break the tie, and we were playing in the last minutes of overtime. I was exhausted and every inch of my body was aching, but Jackie passed me the ball on the midline, and it took every last ounce of strength to propel myself down the side of the field. I could see Vivianne running through the middle a top speed, and our eyes crossed for one second as the last defender ran towards me. Before she got to me I passed the ball forward to Viv, who dribbled past the keeper and knocked the ball high into the net.

An explosion of screaming erupted as I ran towards Viv at full speed, jumping into her outstretched arms with a huge smile on my face. She lifted me off the ground and twirled me around a couple of times, arms tightly around my waist.

All the others ran towards us and surrounded us, so even when Viv put me down I was pressed tightly against her and her arms never left my waist. Being so close to her meant I could smell the mix of shampoo and sweat in her hair, feel her body move as she took deep breaths.

Finally, we managed to break apart and our eyes locked for a second, and then I smiled at her, which she returned. We returned to our positions and played the remainder of the 3 minutes extra time. When the whistle sounded I let out an elated laugh as the stadium erupted into thundering applause and screaming. My teammates all started hugging each other, and as my eyes searched for one person in particular, somebody wrapped their arms around my arms from behind and lifted me up.

"You did it!" Viv cheered in my ear as I laughed, trying my hardest not to blush as butterflies swirled around in my stomach.

When she put me down I turned towards her and smiled.

"Couldn't have done it without you," I said, and she wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulder and gave me a smile that made me weak in the knees.

"I got you,"

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