cheese steak

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The cut you cut me so deep with, its rusty blood oxidized, I'm sorry but I'm not surprised how completely so I've been hypnotized. You stab me, stab deep deeper, now I'm nothing but traumatized. The fatal wound finalized, you know what your doing so you do it anyways, your calculating, catalyzed. The thrill you've drilled inside me so, has left my heart caramelized.

Shoulda' saw you coming, no never I did.

But to my defense your intents were so disguised.

The destructive path down destruction lane, left me cold and completely downsized.

Boom! Boom! Knocking you sideways that was the sound of my demise.

Pick it up the pieces of me, too heavy too heavy the boat capsized.

Breath with held, chest strapped tight, remised, incised so completely surprised. My life upside down, bleeding from you, pick it up life revised, over chastised.

In the heat of the moment, the hurt of it all broken I am baptized in it all.

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