George turns to face Matty with an answering grin plastered on his face, his breath hitching a bit when he's met with the sight of an extraordinarily pleased looking Matty whose face is only inches away from his own, his dark curls tickling at George's nose when he leans downward unconsciously.

Matty shocks George by closing the small gap between them, his lips brushing against George's so quickly that his body isn't able to comprehend what's happening until it's over.

The action catches George entirely off guard, because Matty rarely initiates things, even when they're alone, but now he's just snogged George - in public no less, which is a huge escalation in their previously private activities.

Before George can reciprocate his affections, Matty's darting off in a different direction, his steps light and airy as he flits from person to person, allowing George to observe him unnoticed. Something about the simple act of watching Matty bask in the post-show bliss leaves him feeling warm and invigorated and fuck - a little bit in love as well.


Things continue to go well for the next few weeks, at least George thinks they do. Matty appears to enjoy being on stage more than he has been lately, their shows continue to be better than usual despite a few hitches here and there which are to be expected, and they don't have any more spats or patches of awkwardness that leave George flustered and confused, but Matty still seems a bit off although George can't place his finger on why.

Matty keeps up with his disappearing act as time passes until almost every night they stop at a hotel he makes up an excuse to go off somewhere, not that he needs to verbally state where he's headed, it's easy enough to figure out when he returns during the early hours of the morning smelling of sweat and sex with a smug grin on his face.

George continues to suffer through bouts of jealousy and longing when Matty's out with someone else, no matter how hard he tries to distract himself. He hates the way images plague his mind the entire time he's gone of Matty kissing a girl with as much passion as he does him, while at the same time he knows that Matty might need this in a way. He's going through a lot at the moment, and he probably wants the reassurance that he still likes girls now that he and George have done so much.

Matty always seems more at ease when he returns, and George can't begrudge Matty happiness in any form, even though he wishes he could be the one providing all of it, so no matter how much it stings, George keeps quiet about Matty's dalliances. He's not going to make this into something it's not, even if it already is in his mind, but if getting his dick wet makes Matty smile, George will learn to live with that.

Those evenings almost always end with Matty in George's bed anyway, even if he doesn't plan for it. Surprisingly enough, Matty's usually the one who initiates things, which helps George recover from the pangs of bitterness coated with envy that stab at his insides when he spies a hickey that he hasn't made, and by the time Matty's sleeping soundly with his spine snug against George's chest, he almost forgets about how much he's been hurting previously.

Matty asks for George's fingers frequently after the first time, not that he needs to, it's obvious from the way he spreads his legs subconsciously and looks up at George with desperate eyes what he wants. George likes to make him say it though, to hear the hitch in his voice and watch color blossom over his cheeks as he tries to fight through his residual embarrassment that still hasn't completed faded away even after all this time.

George gives him whatever Matty wants when he comes back from his outings, although he never once asks George to fuck him again, which is what George is truly dying to do. The urge to touch Matty triples when he catches a whiff of a stranger's perfume in his hair, and it's like he has to override that with his own scent, he wants to mark Matty, to leave his come inside of him, to be the first person who's done that even though he'd much rather be the last.

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