'He's a Prick' and Speeches

Start from the beginning

"The timing couldn't have been worse, oh gosh, im so sorry-" Ginny fake consoled

"Really dont blame her, if anyone blame me, its just her mother-" Harry sighed

"We've been looking high and low for you two-" Ron pretended to worry

"Honestly its just a real shame, it did seem rather important though-" Draco reasoned

"I swear these things never happen when you want them to and then when you dont- there they are!" George scoffed

"Really you should've been there ten minutes ago!" Pansy pretended to scold. 

The group whisked them off in the direction of the dance floor pairing off and giggling while they did so. 

The night went by slowly, but every time one of Zabini twins needed them, their friends were right there, pulling them away from the prying parents.

At a quarter to ten there was a tinking on a glass and the room grew quiet.

All eyes turned to Mr. Zabini.


The room grew quiet and once it was finally completely silent Mr.Zabini started to speak.

"Many fathers will talk about how hard it is to let their children grow up. To finally venture out into the world we have created for them. Letting them make those decsions we always have made for them is a difficult thing. But it is even harder when you have a child who has grown up away from you. I feel that i never got to truly know my daughter. And now..." He paused and caught the eye of Mari.

"She is a grown woman. She is an adult who makes adult decisions. And i did not get to see her grow. However i am happy for the time i get with her now. Just because she is grown, does not mean i am losing her. " He laughed a little here.

I turned to look at Mari and saw a small smile creeping onto her face.

"My son however," Her father began again, "I have been lucky enough to see grow into the young man that stands in front of me today." He motioned toward Blaise.

"I watched him learn and fail and succeed. I was lucky enough to be there when he learned to ride a broom and when he bought his wand. I was there for all of it. Every minute. Even the hard parts."

Blaise was suddenly very tense next to me.

"I have seen him grow into the man you see before you all today. These two children. They have not been children for awhile now. They have been grown adults for years. Making decisions and struggling through problems that we never could have imagined they would have had to be involved in. So tonight, we are not commemorating their final sprint into adulthood. Rather finally recognizing what has already happened."

He raised his glass and there was some cheering. And then the dancing continued and i finally was able to look at Mari without seeming awkward.

"Okay that was too sappy. I need a drink." Pansy said standing up and motioning for us to follow her.

" We cant all leave at once we'll be noticed." Blaise said with a laugh.

"Alright then, figure it out among yourselves. Gin and I are going to get a drink." Pansy said dragging her away from the group.

Ginny just shrugged.


"Hey...Mari?" I turned to see George standing there with a small smile.

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