'He's a Prick' and Speeches

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"You're lying." Blaise raised his eyebrow. 

"Nope, told me this whole thing about how he wanted to stay with me forever and then i walked in on him telling his dad not to worry because he was going to get me and my money too essentially."

"Oh so he's a prick, got it." Ginny said as she came onto the balcony, Astoria and Harry in tow.

"I am not a prick you can't say that after we've just agreed to play nice!" Draco shouted as he swaggered out into the crisp night air. 

"Oh yeah sure whatever. Like you dont have enough ego to recover from one insult." Ginny turned around and scoffed. "Besides it wasn't even about you."

"About who?" Ron and George joined the now significantly larger group in the garden and slumped into two chairs. 

"Nothing Charlie is a prick. Thats the short of it." Theo said with a smile. 

"Called it." Astoria said sipping her drink. 

"Called what?" Pansy said sauntering out to join the rest of the group. 

"Charlie is a prick." Harry said with a laugh. 

"Well obviously. Of course Ast called it. She called it back in fourth year when he tried to stick his hand up her skirt." Pansy snorted into her cup. 

"Okay next time we're trying to get someone to escort my sister can we just, i dont know, maybe- TELL ME ABOUT THE DOUCHEBAG BEHAVIOR THAT THE POTENTIAL ESCORTS HAVE EXHIBITED?! Thanks." Blaise yelled. 

Astoria and Pansy rolled their eyes. 

"Alright enough of this." Draco said before making a few motions with his wand before a bottle of Firewhiskey appeared on the table in front of them. 

"Draco. Really?" Harry wore a slightly confused but also disappointed expression.

"Here's the deal, I am not going to make it through this night sober and i doubt any of us will because from the looks of it most of us already want to through ourselves into the nearest lake and never swim back up."

There were a few murmers but no one openly objected.

"Therfore," he continued, "We are each going to take a drink from this bottle until it is gone, and then we will go back inside and we'll see how we feel and i anticipated us finding our way back out here in say...." He looked at his watch, "73 minutes." 

There was a small moment of silence as everyone turned to Blaise and I. 

"Oh what the hell, you up for it Mari?" I just smiled and nodded. 

"Its our party and we say drink so- lets get to it."

Within the next five minutes the bottle was gone and for the most part everyone had taken their swig like a champ. Except Ast, who felt the need to remind the group that this was not her drink of choice, and surprisingly Ron who decided that he was going to need to find a drink that would not 'burn the hell out of his throat'. 

With the edge slightly taken off the group headed back into the party. 

Where Blaise and Mari were immediately bombarded with question on their life plans and told that so and so would just 'love to meet you' and that they were 'such a lovely person' with this and that talent and such and such a career plan. 

"Oh im so sorry but Mari is needed-" Theo began

"Im sorry Blaise but they really did say it was urgent-" Ast interjected

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