Chapter 10 - The Call

Start from the beginning

"Okay...?" I say really confused.

"So, when I first texted you, I tracked your number to see who you were because I am kind of a... let's say... special person. I had to make sure you weren't a threat. And I know what happened to your parents. Just now I nearly brought them up, as I was trying to joke..." He says dryly.

"Yeah, because that isn't creepy at all..." I mumble, chuckling again. "So what's your point, well, except that you nearly brought up my dear old 6 feet under the ground parents?" I ask.

"Well... I just wanna apologize for nearly bringing them up." He says and he sounds a little guilty.

"Don't worry about it. I don't take offence. Barely knew them anyways."

"I see." He says with a small sigh.

"So... what do you know about me?" I ask awkwardly. "What's my full name?"

"Peter Benjamin Parker. I'm also going to add that you're 15 years old since you so kindly told me yourself." He says and chuckles a little.

"I Accidentally told you."

"Same shit." The tone in his voice sounded way too familiar. I had a picture to the voice in my head, but my brain just wouldn't work with me.

"language young- Old man."

"God... You are just like Steve... someone please save me..." Tony whines.

"Steve? As in that Steve you tried to text but you ended up with yours truly? The old Steve who can barely use a phone because he's, like, so old?"

"Yes, That Steve."

"Wow... that's... cool!" I say a little chipper.

"Oh yeah... By the way, Pete?


"In your... uhh... during your freak out texting you wrote something interesting, or, err, well two things."

"D-did I...?" I ask, sounding nervous.

"Yeah... uhh... What did you mean by 'Being SM' and why doesn't your Aunt pick up the phone when you call her?" He asks. I was prepared for the first question. But the second one about May... Shit...

"O-oh... uhh... ya know. It's... uhh... It's an inside joke...? Yeah, an inside joke between me and... umm... my friends...!" I say and I facepalm at how bad I am at lying.

"Kid, you're a terrible liar." He says and I know I can't escape the situation. Or, I can. If I end the call and never talk to him again because Tony is going to asks everytime what SM means if I don't tell him.

God Peter, you've put yourself in such a mess. Well, life was fun. Not really...

"Can you...- Can you keep a secret...? Like... this is a really big secret..." I say, realizing how childish I must sound. "I know it sounds childish but... This isn't something I want people to know. It's bad enough that my friends know the secret."

"You can trust me. I promise."

"Alright..." I say with a trembling voice. "Alright... I...I trust you..." I take a deep breath.

"SM stands for...- It's stands for Spider-Man..." I say just above a whisper.


"You didn't just see the car crash into that station, did you?" He finally says, he has a serious tone and I know he knows the truth.

"N...No..." I choke out and I start to cry. Full on sobbing. "I was... I was in the car, trying to *hic* Trying to stop him. He...- He kept on driving faster and *hic* and faster... The look on his face Tony. It was... *hic* He looked so... so scared. And his last *hic* His last words..." I am unable to speak anymore. I cry and I can hear Tony's voice reassure me that everything's alright.

"I'm...- I'm sorry... I'm sorry for *hic* for putting my problems *hic* on you Tony... I'm so *hic* so Sorry..." I'm able to get out.

I hear noises from the other end, then Tony speaks.

"Kid, do you think you can make it up to the roof of your apartment?" He asks softly and I nod, knowing that he can't see it.


"Good, try to get up there. I'm coming over."




I'm back with YeT AnOtHeR chapter.

I know that if feels too rushed for Peter to tell Tony that he is SM but he has talked to Tony for about 2-3 months.

I know I haven't written a lot of dialogue where they talk/text and get to know each other more, but just imagine that they talked a lot during the past months...


That's All For Now Folks!

G'night, G'day and G'morning!


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