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The Sounds of the ocean's water hitting the shore. filled your ears.

As your eyes fluttered open, you then see your dark room with only a few three candles to light your way in darkness.

You sigh as you get up from bed. Rubbing your eyes you look around your small spaced home. You had your bed in which you slept on. Besides it was a few boxes filled with food ,drugs and wooden box holder that held both empty and filled nuka colas.

Already wearing your everyday clothes. You get up, put on your shoes as you start your every day routine.
You walked about 18ft straight before reaching the exit.

You grabbed a baseball cap on and opened your door. As the bright sun blinded you, you used your hand to shield your eyes from the suns rays.

Slowly, from leaving your dark home, your eyes adjusted to the outside world.

You see the bay.
You where by Boston Airport.
You closed the door to your 18ft long, 8ft wide and 9ft tall you call home.

You lived in a shipping container. How did one get on the sands of Bostons airport? Well, when the bombs fell, a ship that was filled with shipping containers sunk and the ocean's waters pushed it onto shore. It's now buried into the sand, leaving it kinda lopsided but not enough to stop you from living in it, it was just enough to get in and out.

Walking threw the empty airport. You make your way to the great green jewel.

-short walk-

You said your hellos to Diamond city's guards as always and continued on inside.

Getting inside, a few people said there hellos to you as well.

"Good morning Dumpy!" Said one resident.

"Hey! Dumpy! Have you checked out the moonshine in the bar yet?" Asked a guard.

"No, not yet" you responded.

"Dumpy! Have you fixed the wires yet? We really need light in our houses" asked another resident.

"No, I'm on it though" you said. You grabbed your gear from Diamond City Surplus, Percy the mister handy. He was the only one you'd see so early in the mornings.

"Good morning Dumpy, don't push yourself to hard with the wires today... wouldn't want our only good mechanic to go out" said Arturo.

"Don't worry... I got it" you said.
You might be asking. Why do they call you Dumpy?

Long story short, that a Detective found you in the dumpster bleeding out.
He brought you in and fixed you up. You don't know why you where there, don't remember anything after that.

The Detective said that it's possible that you have Amnesia.

Maybe you've gotten beaten up pretty bad that you've lost memory. Or that you've gotten so drunk you don't remember anything.
Though it wouldn't explain why you where at the edge of death.

So, now everyone calls you Dumpy, you didn't mind it though, you found it kinda cute.

Getting right to work. You started to fix up with the wires. You used the tools needed to get electricity back up and running.

As you worked, you notice someone walk pass you. It was the Detective.

"GoodMorning Detective" you said.

"Morning kid, how ya feeling?" He asked.

"Fine, still don't remember anything before the night you found me" you said.

"Don't worry kid, even if you don't remember, you'll always have a home here" he said, the both of you didn't talk much, when you did it would always be short.

You continued on with your work until your job was done.

-3 hours later-

You whipped the sweat off with the back of your hand.
Turning on the switch, you see that light was up and running again. Satisfied with your work, you went to the mayor and get your payment to then return to Arturos shop, Commonwealth Weaponry.

"Can I get 50 on 44. Ammo?" You asked as you pulled out your revolver from your pocket.

You gave him your caps and threw the rest of the bullets into a small bag.

"Gracias for the lights Dumpy, see you tomorrow" he said.
You said good bye and headed on to the real work. Heading just East of Diamond City. The combat Zone.

"Hey,hey,hey! Look who is!" Said one of the raiders.

"Oh! I'm betting my caps on her!" Said the raiders as you walked into the combat zone.
Getting inside, you heard someone.

"Only thing better than gettin' pissed is pickin' a fight, Am I right?" You heard an Irish accent.

"Hey Cait, hows your day going?"

She sighed as she crossed her arms walking besides you.
"Rather be off murderin' a pint, but this'll do" she said.

"Gotta get them caps" you said jokingly.

"Got that right!" She said as she flipped her deep red hair.

As you entered the back. You and Cait got prepared and got ready for any fight coming.
You wrapped with boxing tape to protect your hands.

"Ready to kick some arse?" Cait questioned.

You nodded.
"Let's get to work"

—6 hours later-

You grabbed onto a railing to hold you up for support.
Your nose was bleeding, your hands and knuckles bleed and bruised due to constant fighting.
You breathed heavily as you looked over at your opponent.

A raider, using a base ball bat to fight.
"Come on little girl! Let's see what you got!"

You regained your balance and fought again, you felt weak. The raider hit you with the bat and you did your best to block it.

You got the chance to punch him in the stomach making him run out of breath.

You took the chance to punch him in the face and disarm him.

You took the bat in your hands and beaten him with his own weapons.

You smashed his head in, you won this round again.
You heard raiders cheer and argue as they either lost caps or won caps on betting on you to win.

You got out of the cage and went to the back to get your earning.
Grabbing your 3000 caps, you pocketed it and went to Cait to clean you up.

"You look like they roughed up pretty good" said Cait.

"Well I wasn't exactly expecting to fight someone with a bat" you said Grabbing bandages.

"Heh. I dunno. Seemed quite the performance from where I was standin'" said Cait as she rubbed alcohol on your open wound.

You hissed to the pain.
"Sorry" said Cait.

After you got patched up, you thanked her and said good bye.

Leaving the Combat zone, you walked around Boston for a while.

Soon, coming up to the Cambridge Police Station. You heard laser guns going off in the distance. You grabbed your gun and quickly walked to the commotion.

You see three people, one was wounded and the other was helping the wounded person.
The third man was in a power armor, he stood his ground as he protected the people behind him. But he wasn't going to last long. You looked down at your small 44. Revolver.

You grabbed your bag of ammo and started to count. You only had so many to last you the week, let alone help other people.

You didn't have the ammo, but neither did you have the heart to leave people to die.
A part of you wanted to leave, that it's not your problem. You have enough already and don't have the caps to waste your ammunition.

But the other wanted to help, you had the feeling of wanting to help the defenseless.

You bit on your lower lip as you hid in the shadows trying to make a decision.
As you finally gathered the cons and pros of leaving the people.
You took the safety off your gun, and ran into action.

Bitter Betrayal (Paladin Danse x reader)Where stories live. Discover now