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"𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘯𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘺, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦
𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘥𝘺, 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥"

NOTHING, thats all Kairi felt, no sadness, no happiness, no pain, just nothing. He was a wreck, mainly because when he was feeling this way he would go to Mattia, but he can't, because 1)Mattia is why he feels this way and 2) him and Mattia aren't speaking. This was a new feeling for Kairi, it was so much worse than heartbreak, it felt so empty, so alone. it's like if you're trapped in a box and you can see and hear people but they can't hear you, they can't hear your screams for help, they can't hear your banging against the walls, not a single sound. Kairi felt emotionless...

Mattia on the other hand, was feeling every negative emotion possible. Anger, sadness, resentment, regret. He had already made two new holes in his wall, which he would have to pay to get fixed later. Mattia didn't know what to do, should he cry? should he go punch his wall again? should he drive to the top of a random hill and scream? He couldn't function properly, well at least without having to go into the bathroom and cry every other period. Mattia was a storm of negative feelings.

The two boys ending their friendship had also split up the friend group. Roshaun and Robert stayed with Kairi, Alvaro went with Mattia, and Alejandro decided it was best to stay neutral, he was the only one who knew about the relationship. None of the boys could get an answer as to why the two ended their friendship, but they decided it was best to just let them be.

"mattia" Alejandro said shaking the boy out if his trance.


"you zoned out again dude."

"oh shit sorry"

"kairi?" Ale asked

Mattia didn't answer, instead he fixed his gaze on the short wasian across the cafeteria, oh how much he missed him, he missed his kisses, he missed his hugs, he missed the taste of his lips, he missed their secret dates at 2am, he missed their late night smoke sessions (which usually ended in both of them rushing to take each others clothes off) ,but most of all he missed his friendship. Mattia wasn't as close to any of the other guys, not as close as he was to Kairi. He could tell Kairi his deepest darkest secrets. Him and Kairi had some sort of cosmic connection, they were soulmates, platonically and romantically, they belonged together, as cliche as it sounds, Mattia's life was like a puzzle and Kairi was the one missing piece in his puzzle, the piece that made the puzzle whole. and just as quick as he had found the piece, he lost it again.

Mattia was forced out of his thoughts by the bell signaling that lunch was over. He gathered his things in a rush not wanting to be late. In the rush to class he bumped into someone causing both Mattia and the other person do drop there stuff. He quickly bent down to grab the others things, and began to apologize, then he looked up

"oh shit, sor- Kai.." Mattia trailed off as his eyes met the shorter boy's. Just looking into his eyes made him want to cry, or kiss him. His heart started pounding and his cheeks flushed red. Kairi just stood there, he didn't know wether to run away or to pull the boy in the bathroom and do one of the many things they did over the summer. He decided on the latter, grabbing Mattia's wrist and pulling him to the nearest empty bathroom.

"I missed you" Kairi whispered, inching his face closer to Mattia's

"Just let me kiss you one last time, my love" Mattia said closing the gap between them, the kiss was soft, full of love and want, Mattia needed this more then he knew.

Kairi pulled away leaving chaste kisses all over Mattia's neck, he missed this, he missed cuddling with Mattia, he missed borrowing his hoodies to cover up the many hickeys Mattia left on his neck.

"kai-" Mattia said pulling away

"yeah?" Kairi asked catching his breath

"we can't do this. Its gonna make everything so much harder"

"ba-Mattia, please just one last time, and then it's over, I promise" Kairi said giving Mattia a pouty look

"fuck, you know I can't resist you, fine, but this is the last time. It has to be." Mattia said reconnecting their lips

they stayed in the bathroom for another 15 minutes, just kissing, it was all they needed just one last time, one last time they got to hold each other, one last time they got to taste each others saliva, one last time to be together. They were both hurting and they knew this would probably end up happening again, despite the promise of it not, they needed each other. There was no denying that they needed each other.

both boys left the bathroom heading to their classes, lips swollen and hickeys all over their necks, however at this point neither of them cared enough to cover them.

Kairi felt so happy so blissful, until he left tehe bathroom. He walked into class late saying that he was sick and had to throw up, the teacher was a little suspicious but excused it, he took his seat next to alejandro, the other boy glaring at his hickeys

"bro who the fuck gave you those?" Alejandro whispered

"um,,, nobody" Kairi responded his cheeks becoming tomato red

"it was Mattia, wasn't it?" he said already knowing the answer

"dude, you need to stay away from each other, you're just gonna end up getting hurt again" Alejandro said

"but, i-" Kairi paused thinking of a good excuses to stay with Mattia

"but, i need him" he said

"you want him, not need. I know you guys were best friends before this, but trust me, you'll both end-up the same way you were at the end of summer, sad and mopey" Alejandro replied trying to stop the inevitable

"okay fine, i'll stop" Kairi sighed


"i promise" Kairi lied

in about 5 hours that promise would be broken
AHHHH, I'm so sorry this took forever to update, but I'm really excited, hope you guys like it <3
(1063 words)

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