chapter 2

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About twelve years later, Cherry had eventually reunited with Maestro Forte and her daughter, Felicity, and when Cherry wrote to Ariel and Eric about the family reunion and that they lived alone all together in an abandoned hut with no neighbors or disturbances. After Ariel and Eric heard this, they decides that Melody and Felicity should meet and possibly become friends and it was Melody's twelfth birthday.

Ariel and Eric had invited the children of the kingdom as well so Melody could make some human friends other than Sebastian the crab. After the daughters met and greeted each other, they started to go outside and secretly have a swim. Cherry was inside with Eric and Ariel and her husband, telling them about the journey and sacrifice they endured in Felicity's now also immortal eight year old life.

"Are you sure we're okay to do this?" Felicity asked as she got into her underclothes to swim and not get her dress wet.

Melody shushed her to make sure her parents weren't listening. "Yeah, just come on..."

The girls rushed outside and went into the ocean to do some swimming and exploring. It was then about time for Melody's party to start.

"Now, where did those girls go?" Ariel wondered.

"I think they said something about going for a stroll, let's go look for them." Cherry suggested.

"Right." Ariel nodded, then left with her to find their daughters.

"Flick!" Cherry called.

"Melody!" Ariel also called.

The women were going around the halls and looked around the place to find the girls. This was no time to be messing around. Ariel and Cherry went into the ballroom to welcome anyone visiting and then decided to look for the girls from there in case they had come in. As they wondered, the maid had come with a fresh stack of cloth and towels.

"Oh, Carlotta, have you seen Melody or Felicity?" Ariel asked.

"Oh, not since this morning, Your Majesty." Carlotta told her apologetically.

Ariel and Cherry then decided to move from there and continue their search.

"Let's try the kitchen." Cherry suggested.

"Good idea," Ariel nodded, then went in as Chef Louis was putting the candles on Melody's birthday cake. "Louis, Melody or Felicity aren't in here, are they?"

"No, your Highness, but Melody's birthday cake is." Chef Louis smiled apologetically. "Twelve petite candles."

"I never had a lot of special stuff happening on  my 12th birthday." Cherry nearly snorted.

Ariel smirked at Louis, shut the door, then kept going to find their daughters.

"It's not like Flick to disappear like this without telling me or Charles..." Cherry  sighed. "What kinda girl are you raising, Ariel?"

"Oh, Melody's not that much of a troublemaker, Eric and I rarely have to scold her." Ariel replied as they kept walking.

Suddenly, Scuttle the seagull flew into an open window, looking excited. "Whoo-ee, this is gonna be some kind of shindig! Yes, sir, a real swanky soiree, as they say. There's just one thing missin': The guest of honor!"

Felicity and Melody were underwater just as Sebastian went looking after them. The girls smiled as they met a very friendly dolphin. They then went up to shore and waved their hair back as they went to climb up to a rock for some air and had a nice swim. Melody saw the seagull and crab, introducing them to her new friend quickly.

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