"It's okay baby"

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The test read, the blue plus sign showed.

"Holy fuck," I whispered.

I recently turned 18, and got married to my best friend of 13 years.

As I ponder about scenarios, a slight knock snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Baby? Are you okay?" A muffled voice asked, that voice belonging to Alexander Lightwood. My newly wedded husband.

"Uh, yeah. I'm okay Alec, just... give me a second?" My voice wavered a bit.

"Okay" he replied.

I sat there for a tiny bit longer. Recollecting myself, and got up.

I flushed the toilet, washed my hands and rinsed off the test lightly. Not trying to ruin it.

I open the door and saw Alec, sitting on our bed.

He looked at me and his eyes lit up.

"Hey, are you okay? I was worried you've gotten sick and-" I cut him off by showing him the test.

"Alec, I'm pregnant" I mumbled, but he heard me.

Silence grew thick, and I found it getting hard to breathe so I walked to the window and opened it.

Basically swallowing the fresh air.

"Are you really?" His voice small and light, I turn to face him. And nodded.

"Yeah," I showed him the test. "Are you mad?"

He looked at me, "Did you really just ask if I'm mad?" I nodded. He scoffed.

"I'm not mad, I'm actually really happy" he smiled. I started at his smile, it always made me feel better.

I sigh in relief, "Yeah? Well, I'm happy too. I thought you were gonna be angry and leave me and never love me again and-" he stopped my rambling by placing his giant hands on my small face.

"Y/n, calm down. I would never leave you, you're the love of my life. And my best friend, you mean the whole world to me, and so does our baby" he kisses my forehead.

I lean in to him, and lightly wrap my arms around his waist while he wraps his around my shoulders.

He hugs me tight, and nuzzles his face into my hair.

I felt him smile, and I chuckle.

"What you smiling about dork?"

"Oh, the thought of us having a baby together makes me happy, and I've always wanted one..." he pauses then softly says "with you".

I laugh, "I love you Alec".

He looks down at me, "And I to you, sweetheart" then bends down and kisses my belly, "you too baby".

I died.

||A Few Months Later||

I'm 3 months pregnant, and my belly is getting big.

"ALEC!" I yell, and he comes running.

He runs into the bathroom to see me hunched over the toilet.

"Oh my poor angel" he mumbles mostly to himself and kneels beside me and holds my hair for me.

"I don't feel so good, your child is messing with me" I whisper while wiping my mouth.

Alec chuckles, "our baby. And I'm sorry, I wish I could help honey" he looks at me with his blue eyes.

I give him the 'oh-fuck-you' look then rolled my eyes.

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