Wolverine oneshot

Start from the beginning

Once everyone was back in their bodies and fully conscious, they all looked at each other in shock. It was a while before anyone could speak. Once that passed, Logan stormed out an emotional mess. Aurora wanted to comfort him but Charles said to let him finish lashing out. Aurora watched Logan sadly from the window, slashing trees at the institute. "I feel awful professor, like it's my fault," Aurora said. "He's just emotional because all his memories are back at once. Don't blame your self Aurora," Charles said comfortingly. "I hope he'll be okay," Aurora said. "Go rest Aurora, you must be tired. Talk to Logan tomorrow or something," Charles advised. "Thank you professor," Aurora said then heading to her room.

She saw Logan walking tiredly. Aurora ran up to him and hugged him tight without saying anything. At first he flinched but then he relaxed and even hugged back. "You don't have to say anything, but just know I'm here if you ever need me," Aurora said. She looked up at Logan and saw the fear in his eyes. "I'll go..." Aurora started, but was cut off by Logan holding her tighter. "N-no, not yet," Logan said. "Ah.... Okay," Aurora said. They hugged for a while and Aurora was rubbing Logan's back, Logan was crying silently. They finally parted and looked at each other strangely. "Th-thank you Aurora," Logan said shyly. "Y-you're welcome Logan," she replied, just as shyly. The two said their goodbyes and went to their respective rooms.

From that day on, Logan and Aurora have become good friends. They have grown closer and closer. They spend time together each day and Logan has opened up to her a lot since regaining his memories. Aurora realized she was falling for Logan. That was why she was determined to get him to open up to her, it all makes sense now. Even though Aurora felt a mental connection to Logan after he regained his memories, she could still hardly tell what he was thinking. Aurora was keeping this to herself but she was sure Charles had figured it out. Aurora was walking around the institute, completely spacing out, when she crashed into someone. She saw it was Logan and she blushed slightly. "H-hello Logan," Aurora said awkwardly. "Hey," Logan said coolly. "Sorry to bump into you, I'll get out of your way," Aurora said then attempting to walk away. Logan grasped her arm. "No, you're not in my way. In fact I was looking for you. Come with me to the professor's office?" Logan asked. "S-sure," Aurora said awkwardly. They walked into Charles's office together and sat in the chairs in the office. "Hello you two, are you ready for one more go at retrieving some memories?" Charles asked. "Uhhhhhhh sure?" Aurora said, doubtful.

They began the session just like the last time. The professor made a mental connection with Logan and then Aurora took Logan into the time travel. It was memories of when Aurora first met Logan, and going through his memory retrieval. It was his personal thoughts throughout the entire thing. There were even times he talked to Charles. Charles was asking why Logan was acting up. There were people teasing him saying he got soft. People were asking if he like someone, he said no. There were memories of Logan sitting in his room frustrated saying "Do I like her?" and "But why? How? When?" The last memory she saw was when Charles asked if Logan liked Aurora, and after some arguing he said yes. The mental connection was breaking so Aurora took Logan out of the memories and back into the past. Everyone was looking at one another. "I'll be downstairs," said Charles, then leaving his office and shutting the door.

"Logan uh..." Aurora started, but was cut off by Logan. "I didn't know how else to tell you, so I asked Charles to channel my memories on the subject," Logan explained. "I-I ah..." Aurora started. "... You don't like me in return," Logan said sadly. "HOW ABOUT YOU LET ME SAY SOMETHING FOR ONCE?" Aurora exclaimed, unintentionally. Logan stood there, confused. "As I wanted to say... Logan, I like you too. That's why when you came to the institute I wanted to make you a warmer person and to be friends. But I knew you had a past so I tried to be subtle," Aurora explained. "You're so sweet. I don't deserve you, I really don't," Logan started, and then hugged Aurora tightly. He was hiding his teary eyes, or at least trying to. "You deserve someone to truly love you Logan. I may not be perfect but I'll be the best I can be, for you," Aurora said sweetly. Logan hugged her tighter, if possible, and rubbed her back.

"You're perfect to me, that's all that matters. Thank you, for putting up with my stubbornness for so long. And also, thank you for helping me retrieve my memories. As painful as they were, I was finally able to get past everything. And you were always there," Logan said sweetly. The two parted the embrace to look at one another, they were both beaming. Logan glanced at Aurora's lips, then back at her and began moving his face closer to hers. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, and they pressed their bodies close up against one another. They made out for quite some time, and parted after a while and were panting slightly. Logan caressed Aurora's cheek with his hand and fazed into her eyes lovingly. "You're my girlfriend now, ya here? The wolverine is your boyfriend," Logan said, beaming. "I'm so lucky," Aurora said. "Yup, because I'm quite the man you know," Logan remarked, regaining his normal cocky self. "Oh, really?" Aurora replied, bating him. "Quite the man, especially in bed," Logan said with a wink, making Aurora blush. "Let's take things slow, okay?" Aurora asked shyly. "Only for you my sweet," Logan said then taking her hand in his. "Let's go on a date, right now," Aurora said. "Yes ma'am," Logan said then following her, still holding hands. They went off into the sunset and on a date. And lived happy ever after, even though Logan had a habit of ripping things such as bed sheets and curtains in their home.


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