"Now that you've gotten that out of your system, we can get this over with. First my name is Dawson, pack doctor for the Red Blood pack." My eyes widen in shock and fear. The Red Blood pack was known for being the most strong and ruthless paxk in North America. "Our Alpha, Xavier, saw you and knew you were is mate. He brought you here and you've been out for a couple of days."

He lets me process this information before countinuing.

"Now I know we just met, but please answer these questions, no matter how intimate. Trust me, you will not enjoy answering them with the Alpha. First he would like to make sure you are a virgin." My cheeks grow warm, I'm not answering that. I was a private person, and had no intention of spilling all of my secrets.

"No. Way. In. H*ll." I growl.

He sighs returning to my side and inserting something into my arm. "Then you'll just have to deal with the Alpha later."

Yeah, well I don't plan on being here that long so it doesn't matter. When They let me out of here, I'm gone,


I wake up several hours later with a burning need to pee. The restraints from earlier have been removed, allowing me to sit up.

I try to get up, but fall immediatly on the ground, stupid legs. Letting my need to pee flood my mind, I decide to army crawl over to, what I hope is, the bathroom. It was hard and took a lot out of me.

I feel like I'm making good progress. That is until two hands wrap around my waist and pick me up, holding me bridal style.

'Mate.' Liv sighs, happily.

"Put me down." I huff. But I don't dare meet his eyes, though, for I might end up stuttering.

"Now my little mate, why were you on the floor?" His voice is deep and slightly intimadating, but it made my heart flutter.

"Because if I don't get to a bathroom soon there is going to be a pee puddle all over the floor." He chuckles, sending ripples throughout my body. He walks me to the bathroom setting me infront of the toilet, then thankfully leaving.

I take my time using the bathroom, making sure I irrate him. I could tell Alpha Xavier was an impatient man. After finishing my business, I stand infront of the sink, looking at my reflection.

I sigh, not liking how dead I looked. I wait a few more minutes before opening the door. My legs are much stronger now and I'm sure I can walk. I dont' get a chance to, though, because my mate picks me up and carries me over to the bed.

I finally get a good look at him, when he wasn't looking, and let me tell you he's not hard on the eyes. He has tan skin with dark hair ,and must be atleast six foot four. Stunning was the only word that came to mind. I see him notice me staring, so I return my gaze to my lap.

"So, Dawson told me you weren't answering any questions about yourself. Why?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"My personal life is not your concern." I snap, once again remembering his all to personal question. He didn't even have the decency to ask himself, he had someone else do it.

He growls. "You're all to wrong, everything you do is now my concern."

I return my gaze to my lap, deciding to just not talk. I wasn't going to be here much longer, and didn't want to piss him off too much, just incase he did something rash.

A small smirk crosses my lips at the realization, he can't make me talk.

We sit for minutes in an akward silence, one even I wish I would break. Of course I wouldn't do that though.

"Listen I didn't want to do this, but if you dont start answering my questions, I'll have to send a pack member out. He will tell me anyone thats important in your life, then I'll get the answers out of them." He says.

'Don't be stupid, he'll find out more from them than from us, just tell him.' Liv chastises me.

I growl at the thought, and specifically at him. Who does he think he is? I raise a challenging eyebrow, h*ll will be raised if he tries to dig up my past. I didn't exactly have the best past, and I refuse to let him see how broken I am.

"Fine, I'll be back soon." When he sees my resolve is still not breaking, he leaves. My mind begins to form a plan of escape. What, did he believe that I wouldn't leave? Dumbass.

I wait a few minutes before sniffing the air, making sure his scent is long gone. I slowly, quietly, make my way to the door. The door is suprisingly unlocked. It wasnt until I poke my head out the door, I understand why. The halls are all guarded with wolves.

We can escape. I tell myself. I make my way down the hall, trying to knock the guard out easily. He must hear me though because he turns around to face me. A frown etches into his face when he can't recognise me. I decide now is the time to move and knock him out.

I pinch the pressure point in his arm and relief was all I felt as I realised my old trick still worked. I have to knock people out seven more times, before making it outside. Thankfully no one had time to alert the alpha.

I knew an alarm would go off if I left through the side door, but I couldn't risk getting lost in the hospital. I find the closest exit, and run towards it.

As expected, an alarm goes off as I push the door open. I keep in human form and run as fast as I can. If I shifted, Liv would take over and force me back, I couldn't control her as easy in wolf form.


After a few hours, I feel like I've put a good amount of land between us and stop at a motel.

Once inside I take my wallet out of my boots and pay for a room. I always keep it there, for safety purposes, and I am glad I do, it really came in handy.

As I step inside of my room, I realise this place is to nice to be a motel, though to small to be a hotel. By now my mate will know I've left and will be searching for me, I have to keep running.

'Rose!' Sh*t, I totally forgot about Emma. Emma was a real advocate of mates, and was undoubtedly mindlinking me to command me to return to mine.

"Yes, Emma?'

'Rose before I say this, know I love you and only want what is best for you. That being said, Rose you cant come back to the pack until you've talked with your mate.' Tears sting my eyes, I was not expecting that.

Sure I expected her anger, but not being kicked from her pack.

'I did talk to him and he locked me up.' I defend, stretching the truth only a little.

'Mates are like that, mine is and will always be. Just talk to him.' She pleads.

I cut of the bond and allow tears to streak my face as realization dawns on me. I'm a rogue now.

There weren't a lot of female rogues, and I knew without the protection of a pack I would probably be killed. But I won't return to my mate, even thought I'll die.

The Alpha's mateWhere stories live. Discover now