64 - {{ Hitoshi Shinsou }}

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A-Z Headcanons
Hitoshi Shinsou x GN Reader
Word Count: 2,213

(A/N: So, originally, these were a-z angst hcs, and the only ones in this entire book. I felt like most of the letter prompts were a bit too intense, since they really heavily cover trauma and death, and I'm not comfortable keeping that in this book. Also, when I tried to rewrite them, since the writing was also pretty bad, I just couldn't really come up with a lot. Because of all of that, I decided to change them to Fluff hcs like I did for all the other characters I used this template for. I might rewrite the angst hcs someday, but, for now, this is what I'm going to replace them with.)

! Some things have changed !
• TLDR on the author's note: I changed it from an angst to a fluff template, so it's all new.


A = Affection (How affectionate are they in day to day life?)

   Initially, he's not super physically affectionate. It kind of freaked him out, and he worried that it would make you uncomfortable too or he'd somehow do it wrong. But, Shinsou shows affection consistently through acts of service and quality time. If you need help training, studying, or with any sort of hobby, he'll be happy to help and spend hours with you even if you two are mostly silent together… or if it means Kaminari calling him a simp. 

B = Best memory (What is the best memory they have with you?) 

  Cat Cafe? Cat Cafe. 

Since Shinsou and you likely got together at UA, and at least Shinsou was under the strict regulations of the danger-prone Class 1-A, it was rather hard for either of you to leave campus. So, when you two finally got the opportunity to leave, you two went to Shinsou's favorite cat cafe. Shinsou was basically on cloud nine; he got to spend time at his favorite place, with cats, and with you! He thinks about the day a lot. 
C = Cat or dog person 

Cats…. Do I really need to say anything else? 
D = Dreams (What do they want to do in life?) 

   Obviously, he wants to become an underground hero. There's not much else to it. Occasionally, he imagines himself as a public hero, maybe even one of the top ten. But, the dream fades rather quickly once he remembers that being in the public eye, with a quirk that won't be useful if an opponent knows it, won't lead to much success for him.
E = Evenings (How do they spend their evening?)

   A majority of his evenings are made up by training with Aizawa followed by homework for his regular classes. Usually, his schedule changes most on the weekends when other Class 1-A students hold their odd movie marathons, karaoke sessions, or even food tastings. Sometimes, his evening time will get dedicated to you (if he didn't already spend the whole day with you): cuddling, watching movies, studying, or just mindlessly talking about the things on your mind. 
F = First date (What was it like?) 

   Your first date wasn't too special. As I mentioned, you two were at UA when you met and got together, so your first date had to remain on the school campus. You two watched a movie in Shinsou's dorm, but he did make it a bit fancier than usual. He made a bit of a blanket fort (of course, all the blankets were black or purple because it's Shinsou), and he managed to get all of your favorite snacks as well. You almost fell asleep there from how comfortable it was. 

G = Giggle (What is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?) 

   He has two laughs and there's no in-between. Shinsou either laughs really quietly, in an almost scary way, under his breath when he accidentally listens to someone else's conversation. You could really only notice it if you're sitting next to him or notice the slight shake of his shoulders. His other laugh is loud and noticeable. Shinsou's voice is pretty deep and it's the exact same in his laugh. Usually, you only hear it when it's just you and him alone or with close friends. He's especially giggly when he's tired. 

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