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Lana wakes up to the sound of thunder, she tries to find Wendy through the darkness but she's nowhere to be found, for a moment, she feels back at home, but with a blink of an eye she's back in Briarcliff. Lana begins to cry, she begins to wonder what's gonna happen to her tomorrow, how long is she gonna be there? Will she ever make it out?

Lana wakes up to the pounding outside her door. Two of the men in white go in with sister Jude close behind.

Sister Jude looked at Lana and smiled," good morning, miss winters it's a beautiful day today", Lana looked at her with anger. Jude smirked and ordered the two men to take her up to her office, they did what what she ordered and in no time Lana was sitting inside Jude's office. The silence in there was awful, she felt like she couldn't breathe, and she needed to get out of there then she saw the phone in Jude's office, at first she hesitated, but the thought of seeing Wendy again and getting out of Briarcliff overcame her and immediately got up and started dialing Wendy's phone number, it rang once, twice, a third time, "Hello?", a white hand covered Lana's mouth before she could say anything while the other yanked the phone from her hands and hanged up.
Lana breaks free from Jude and slowly walks against a nearby wall, afraid of what's going to happen to her.

Jude looked at her, an evil smirk appearing on her face, " aw did I interrupt your call, miss Winters?, Lana closed her fists in order to control herself, "no sister, you didn't," her voice trembled as she felt the tears that threatened to come out, Jude eyed Lana up and down and smirked as she focused on the cabinet on Lana's left. " look at that cabinet next you, i want you to open it slowly and choose a present," Lana looked at her confused but did what the nun asked her to. Lana slowly opened the cabinet and saw many different types of canes hanging there like trophies. Lana looked back at Jude and then looked back at the canes, Jude silently walked behind Lana and then put both of her hands on Lana's shoulders, making her jump a bit, she got her lips next to Lana's ears and whispered, " i want you to choose one of those canes and bring it to me", Lana looked at her scared and confused then returned her attention back at the canes. Lana struggled to choose a cane, they all looked incredibly scary and painful, but she knew that if she didn't choose one quickly she'd be in trouble more than she's already in, she turns to look at Jude, who's already waiting for her at her desk with an impatient look on her face, she faced the canes one last time and chose a walnut colored wood cane, she looked at the cane in her hands and stood there for a moment asking to herself why sister Jude wanted her to choose a cane , what did she plan to do with it? she snapped out of her thoughts and walked to where Jude is. Jude looked at Lana with a smirk and took the cane from her hands, she looked at the cane and then at Lana, " i want you to slowly pull your underwear down and then bend over", Lana looked at her, horrified, how can she ask her to do such a thing? Jude hit the side of her desk, making Lana jump, "do it!", Lana looked at Jude with fear and anger. Lana slowly pulled her underwear down, tears rolling down her cheeks, she bent over, the cold wind caressing her exposed skin made her close her eyes and let more tears roll down. Judy loved being in control, she loved seeing people tremble before her and do her every command, but somehow it was different with the woman in front of her, hearing Lana sob made her feel something she didn't understand and it made her angry and scared. Jude snapped out of her thoughts and held the cane a few inches from Lana's exposed ass and hit her with all her strength, over and over again, until Lana's behind was a dark red. 

when Jude was finished, she ordered Lana to get up and pull her underwear back up, but Lana couldn't move. she was in so much pain, her soul left her body and went somewhere where she couldn't hear Jude. Jude rolled her eyes and walked behind Lana and helped her get up by placing her body against her . when she felt Lana against her body, she felt horrible, Lana was trembling , that feeling she got before punishing Lana came back and it made her tremble too. Lana came back to her senses, she started looking around, trying to remember where she was and then she saw Jude holding her. Lana looked at Jude for a while, she tried to read her face and it confused her, Lana read worry and guilt in Jude's face.

Jude saw Lana's eyes, Lana was reading her and she panicked, she couldn't have her know she felt remorse for hurting her, she immediately let her go and turned around so that she could get herself together. Lana pulled her underwear up slowly so that she doesn't hurt herself. Jude took a deep breath and once again became the evil strict nun everyone feared and hated. " i hope this punishment made you learn your lesson,miss Winters, believe me i don't want to hurt you but if you get on my nerves,i know many different types of punishments that can steer you in the right direction, now i brought you here to talk about your treatment, you were admitted by your "friend" Wendy, to be treated for your sexuality, well miss Winters, your treatment will begin tomorrow morning, this is all for today, you may leave now". Lana turned around and left the room, once the doors behind her closed the two men who came in her room this morning escorted her back to her room and she stayed there until it was time for her work shift.

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