Quickly locking the door, Aurora ran to the car and placing both the briefcase and painting in the back, she jumped into the drivers side and slammed the door shut. Letting out a shiver, Aurora started the car and began the short journey to the club.
She drove slowly, fearing her numb fingers and toes could find her in an accident. Like her Dad, Aurora hated the cold in fact she feared it. Everything bad and evil seemed to happen when it was cold. Death hid itself amongst the frosty air, seeking out victims from above and dragging them into eternal darkness.

The outside of the club no longer looked abandoned, in fact it appeared to be bursting with life. The White Tulip sign stood out above the door proudly. It would capture the attention of all walks of life, inviting them to have a night of fun and peace. Aurora had made sure to argue her point to Tommy, she wanted everyone to enjoy the club not only toffs and she would make sure that happened.

Parking up, Aurora watch the work men unload the truck in front. Whatever they were trying to move was incredibly heavy. Despite the cold weather, Aurora could see the sweat dripping from their brows and their chests heaving as they tried to regain their breath.
Getting out the car, Aurora threw the men a kind grateful smile and not wanting to be in their way hurried towards the club doors.

No matter how many times Aurora came to the club, she would always find herself overwhelmed by its beauty. There truly wasn't another club that could match its magnificence.
The inside was bursting with activity and Aurora found herself shaking her head in disbelief. How dare her Dad order the workers to get a move on when they were currently running around the club like headless chickens. Not one person was sitting, not one person didn't have something to do. The club would be finished in time, there was no need in worrying.
A serious of ladders decorated the walls and following each step up, Aurora now understood why the men outside were struggling.
Today the stained glass windows would be installed. How could she had forgotten?
Aurora had spent two weeks before travelling, with Tommy making sure the design was perfect. Tommy wanted nothing but the best and at times Aurora had felt like ripping her hair from the roots. Every design appeared the same to her yet Tommy had a much more intelligent eye for detail. Now that they were here, Aurora couldn't deny how exquisite they were.
The glass was made up of different hues of blue and in the centre of each window was a single white tulip which projected off the floor forming a bouquet around the club.

"Miss Hayes welcome" Robert smiled approaching Aurora from the side with a wide smile.
Turning her head Aurora nodded at the newly appointed head barman. Robert was looked upon highly down south and being who they were, the Hayes and Shelby's had lured him up north to work for them with money.
"Morning Robert, how are things?" Aurora chirped shaking his outstretched hand.
"Swell, everything looks set for Saturday. All stock has arrived on time and with the windows being installed today, I say we'll be finished by tomorrow afternoon" Robert informed Aurora, relief in his eyes.
Just like Aurora, he too had been facing the wrath of her father lately and had been looking forward to the completion for some time. Perhaps when it was done he could sleep at night without being called upon by Mr Hayes to work.

"Good, good, M'glad to hear it but if you do run into any problems please come to me first, that way we can sort the issue without upsetting the bosses" Aurora giggled, the tone of her voice secretly pleading with him to do as she asked.
"Thank you Miss Hayes I'd much rather be dealing with you then..."

In a cruel twist of fate the deafening sound of glass smashing against the floor echoed throughout the club. As a male voice cursed out loudly, Aurora turned with wide terrified eyes.
What was left of one of the stained glass windows was now scattered across the dance floor making it appear as if a thousand tiny sapphires had dropped from the heavens.
It wasn't the smashed windows that horrified Aurora but the worker who was now sat amongst the glass with his hand clutched tightly to his chest.

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