Chapter 12

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His paternity leave was about to end and DJ was trying to keep calm but was failing. He had no idea how to tell Yanna about it, even when he was sure she knew. 

He dreaded each moment he had to respond to a work-related call or email when he could be bonding with Yanna and Jaydee. Yanna didn't seem to mind the times his phone would ring while he was rocking his son to sleep. He had wanted to ignore the calls but she urged him to pick up. DJ didn't know if she was just playing it cool when in reality, his work bordered in intrusion. 

"We need to talk." He put his foot down when on the third time that week, he had to run to a computer shop, print a document, sign it and scan it again for an employee who was hospitalized. Robert was training overseas and no one else was authorized to sign the document. It was the last straw because the urgent call came in when he and Yanna were waiting for their turn at the pedia for Jaydee's vaccine earlier that day. He ended up missing the checkup. Yanna had been nonchalant about it. But she could have been disappointed too.

"I don't like the sound of that," Robert's voice sounded grim. "Tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking about."

DJ ran his palm over his face and tried to analyze the situation some more. The thought of resigning already crossed his mind the moment it was decided that Yanna would undergo CS operation. He had parked the idea aside, knowing he might just be high on emotions. But the past weeks just solidified the decision. "Yeah, Robert. I'm resigning. I need to serve at least thirty days notice, right?"

"Jesus." There was a pause on the other line and DJ could only surmise that his boss needed a moment to calm himself down. "Is there a chance for you to change your mind? I can allow you to use your remaining leaves."

DJ shook his head. "You and I both know that's a bunch of bull. It's not the number of leaves I'm allowed to use that's the problem here, Bob. My workload is too toxic. Hell, I couldn't even have a full day without my phone ringing for some urgent paperwork."

"How about a raise?" Robert bargained.

To which DJ let out a snort. "Thanks, but no thanks. Management will just think it's another reason for me to take on more work." 

He had always put the welfare of the employees ahead of his own priorities thinking that it came with the job. Strived to ensure the employees would receive the benefits timely or to answer various queries from seven hundred employees. But apparently, his hard work was seen as quid pro quo. His overtime work had gone unnoticed even when he and Robert had already raised the issue that they lacked manpower to support a growing population of the company.

There was another harsh exhale on the other line. "You know you can always retract your resignation. Or if not, should you need a job, I can always take you in."

"Yeah, sure," he said, without meaning it. Deep down, DJ knew he wouldn't go back to Star Global if it meant working his ass off to death. "I'll send my formal resignation later. Thanks, Robert."

When the call ended, DJ let out a deep sigh and sagged in the sofa. It was like another load was lifted off his chest and now, he could breathe easier. 

"You're resigning?" 

Yanna's voice was like a bucket of ice being poured on him that he sat up straight. She had her arms wrapped around her protectively. From what though, he had no idea. 

"Is Jaydee asleep?" he asked instead.

Rubbing her arms up and down, she nodded, keeping her probing eyes on him. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was on my way to the bathroom and heard you're sending…" she shook her head. "You're resigning?" 

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