Chapter 11

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They had reached a new level of intimacy, DJ thought happily to himself.

It had been three days since Yanna invited him to share her bed every night. He was all too elated to indulge her and relished in the feeling of her sleeping against him. A couple of times, they would both wake up laughing, at the same time with Jaydee cooing and asking to nurse, because something was straining against his pants. 

But for now, he’d be content with her in his fantasies and taking care of it by himself if the cold shower couldn’t deal with his erection. He was afraid, however, that if all this holding back could lead to another baby. Which was a deal-breaker. According to his research, CS operation needed two to three years to be healed completely before the mother could bear a child again. He didn’t want Yanna going through the risk.

One year, he told himself repeatedly. Or six months if he was lucky. 

He had not heard Jaydee cooing yet. But he felt Yanna stir against him. In her sleep, she turned to face him and nuzzled his neck. His eyes flew open.

Goosebumps broke through his skin and he felt a part of him stiffen.

One of her palms moved to his jaw, the side farther from her. DJ looked down at her.

Yanna was awake. Perhaps half-awake. But her hooded eyes spoke volumes of heat, he could feel and smell it off her skin.

DJ gulped and tried to move the part of him that’s aching, straining, wanting for more, away from her. But then she pulled his jaw down and their lips met for a tentative kiss.

At the contact, they moaned at the same time and that did it for him.

He repositioned himself for better access to her. And his hands automatically moved to feel, to relearn and remaster every curve and plane of her body under her clothes he had missed all those long and lonely months.

And it seemed she felt the same way too. Judging by the urgency of her kisses, and her moans that sounded like she wanted more.

But then she hissed. A sound that was followed by a grunt.

Her incision.

DJ’s blood ran cold as he jackknifed into a sitting position while Yanna laid on her back. “Are you okay? Is it bleeding? Does it hurt?”

“Just a sting. Let me catch my breath for a moment,” she whispered, an arm across her eyes. 

He allowed the silence to fill the room while they both steadied their breathing. The moment strengthening his resolve to wait until she was physically ready before he or she insinuated intimacy.

“Here I thought I could give you a morning present,” she grinned sheepishly. “I guess I overestimated the magic of my binder.”

That made him laugh and bend down to kiss her on the lips. “Thank you. It’s one of the best gifts I received this year.”

“You’ve already received other gifts?” she asked, incredulous, and her voice must have woken up Jaydee in his sleep.

DJ nodded towards the crib. “Would anything top that as the best birthday present? It came in advance too.”

“I guess you’re right.” Yanna let out a content smile before preparing to nurse the baby.

As he sat next to her while she breastfed Jaydee, he whispered a wish to the heavens for this moment to last forever.


When she met the twins the first time, Yanna hit it off with them right away like they already knew each other for a long time. They were the siblings she never had. In fact she had always looked forward to chatting with them everytime there was a family event she was invited to, which was practically every month.

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