Manga v. Anime

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Marissa: I didn't know you were such an otaku Adriana~💙

Lavagirl: I still think I prefer animations more than reading. I mean, why read about an adventure when you can experience it yourself, right?

Adriana: That is true, but most of the time the animations are so fast that you can barely take the time to slow down and  truly appreciate all the effort put into the art. Not only that but you guys still have to wait longer for the releases when I already know the entire plot-line!

Sharkboy: None of what you guys are saying makes any sense! First of all, how do you even understand that stuff? I mean not only are they talking in a different language but they speak so fast that the subtitles are impossible to read! Second, what's the point of reading manga? It feels like I already know how the story is going to end before it even starts!

Adriana: That's because you've gotta read them backwards...and from right to left.

Sharkboy: But why should I? Isn't it more difficult to read something right to the left yet read the words from left to the right? And I know that goes both ways even in the Japanese culture.

Marissa: You know Sharkboy, you kind of look like that Kisame guy from that Naruto show~😏

Sharkboy: 😑

Linus: Weebs

Which one are you guys? Personally I'm an anime fan myself! Although it would be nice to actually read a manga for once. 🤔


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