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I then I parry his second attack and then impaled him in the head and took the keyblade which inturn ripped his arm off.

Y/N: Well that easy and I got a little something out of it (Taps the keyblade and turns into a keychain which the arm falls to the ground). Well time to join the others

Then soundly the ground started to turn black.

Y/N: What the?!?!

Then out of nowhere these black creatures popped out of the ground with yellow eyes and they looked like they were insane and ready to fight so I got in my battle stance and waited for them to attack. But then one of them looked at me and made sometype of screeching sound and then all the rest turned to me and started to sworm at me. But as they got to close I used Aurora to make a twister appear which launched them away and sent me in the air but then some appeared out of the ground with devil wings.

I then choose one that was surrounded by a ton of them and used my flow motion to charge at them at fast speeds and hook the kingdom key into it's gut and used my strength to make it spin like crazy and at the same time I used my foot to kick all of them away and then slammed the creature I had hooked on the keyblade into the ground causing sometype of small explosion but they kept on coming.

Y/N: This is not good ( Raise keyblade in the air ) THUNDER (Thundera)!

With that a bunch of lightning came down and destroyed nearly half of them but there was still a ton still there.

Y/N: "If I can take on night raid on my own then this should be no different".

So I came down and made a small crater and started to fight these creatures.but each one I destroyed these heart came out and faded away. But then I switched to the new keyblade and then used form change which the keyblade turned into a spear.

Y/N: This should help.

I started to think back when I fought Bulat and got a good idea of how to use a spear. So I started to spin the spear and started to stab them with the spear and which double the rate that these things started to go down. While I was dealing with the ones infront of me some started to attack me from behind and get some hits on me.

Y/N: (Slices his back) GAH!

While I was clenching my back they started to pile on top of me trying to crush me to the point I could only see nothing then black and it felt like I was drowning. As things started to fell faint I thought this was my end. NO WHAT AM I THINKING THIS WILL NOT BE MY END I MADE A PROMISE EO I'M GOING TO KEEP IT! I then clenched my pendant as I felt strength flowing threw me.


With that I started to see light and they got pushed off me and with that my clothes turned red which to my knowledge was my Valor form and with the whale keyblade in one had and the keyblade I took from Orge in my other hand.

Y/N: Round two.

I started to fight these things the second time and then they started to charge at me but I had something for them. ( Duelknight X: Before you keep reading just letting you know I made up some unique abilities for Valar form so be warned and know that this isn't something you can do I KH2 )

Y/N: FIRE!!!

With that the blades caught on fire and with that it made fighting these things easier. I started by slashing these things at speeds which beat Akame's and with every hit each one these things started to go up in flames then as some where trying to surround me I made sometype of laser keyblades which spiral around me and like the blades I was holding they where also on fire.

Akame Ga Hearts ( Akame ga kill x Male keyblade user reader )Where stories live. Discover now