we don't need another song about california

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"So this whole time, you never had a set plan on how to get to Italy?" I asked, picking up a French fry. We were sitting in an abandoned McDonald's, and we found the supply of French fries.

"I had a plan in theory," Helena said with a shrug.

"Oh? And what was that?" (Y/n) asked, taking a sip of her soda.

"I don't want to say it," Helena said.

"Come on. Tell us, pussy," Weekes said.

"I, uh, thought we could steal an airplane," Helena mumbled. Weekes, (Y/n), and I up-roared in laughter.

"Okay, so we were gonna fly ourselves to a foreign country that we've never been to and have no idea how to get to," Weekes said.

"Listen, fuckass. I was on the run. I didn't have time to formulate an elaborate plan," Helena defended.

"I guess you have a point there. But still, how the hell would we learn how to fly a plane?" Weekes asked.

"How hard could it be? It's probably just like a car," Helena said.

"That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say," (Y/n) said.

"Wow, really? I'm surprised," Helena said. I chuckled and ate one of my chicken nuggets. I was finally happy again. I didn't have to worry about getting killed or my friends getting killed.

I felt free. Free from the constant feeling of having to run away.

I was in love.

Later that night, we decided to crash in a hotel. This time it was a nice hotel. I think we were in Pennsylvania, I wasn't sure.

(Y/n) and I chose a room on the top floor, while Helena and Weekes decided to room on the first floor. We had an entire floor to ourselves.

"Hey Mike?" She asked. I turned to her to see that she was unpacking her backpack.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I think I took Will's jacket by mistake. Do you want it?" She asked, her voice soft.

"Oh, uh. Yeah, yeah I'd like that," I said, my voice cracking. She handed me the jacket and I put it on. It was Will's signature dark blue jean jacket that he's had since he was ten.

I slipped my hands into the pocket to feel a piece of paper. Probably just a receipt or something. I pulled the crumpled piece of paper out of the pocket and unfolded it. It was a note.


Hey buddy. I know I won't be able to talk to you before I do it, but I want you to have this. I put my jacket in (Y/n)'s backpack, so I know you'll see this. Roxy killed Dustin and Lucas. She also works for BLIND. I walked in on her talking on a phone and talking about how she killed them and how she was gonna leak our location. I was gonna tell you guys, but she threatened to cut off my head. I knew she wasn't kidding. Mike, I'm sorry. The only person I was sticking around for was you. I.. I loved you. More than just a friend or family. I loved you like you love (Y/n). Seeing you with her just hurt me too much, but you're happy. I don't want to ruin that. It was just too hard to keep losing people. I'm sorry you had to lose me. I hope you didn't lose anyone else, and I hope you don't lose (Y/n). You and her have something special. Please don't lose that. I love you. I wish we could've played D&D one last time, but that's alright.

– Will

I let a few tears fall before neatly folding the paper and putting it back in my pocket. (Y/n) walked over and wiped the tears away with her thumb. I collapsed into her arms in a mess of tears and wails.

Thank god we were twelve floors away from Helena and Weekes. I didn't want to worry them.

"I really miss him," I weeped into her shoulder. She lead me to the bed and sat me down, and then sat next to me, her hand on my knee.

"I know, baby," she said, ruffling my hair.

"He... he loved me. He loved me like I love you," I said. She was taken aback, but quickly pulled herself together.

"Mike.." she trailed off.

"I just... I let him die. I wasn't there for him," I said, burying my head in my hands.

"Mike, honey. You can't blame yourself. He was hurting and didn't know how to cope with it. Please don't blame yourself, it's not your fault," she said, running her hand through my hair.

"I feel so guilty. I'm the only one who lived," I said.

"Don't feel guilty. You had no control over who lived and who died," she said. Her voice was so soothing and calm.

I looked up at her, and her eyes were misted over with tears. I slowly moved in and kissed her.

We shared a soft and gentle kiss before pulling apart.

"How do you avoid getting hurt?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know. I guess I've just felt so much pain that I'm numb to it. I like to say I've got a bulletproof heart," she said with a slight smile.

"Bulletproof heart. I like that," I said, returning the smile.


currently writing a richie x reader because this quarantine is driving me CRAZY !! someone dm me i want to discuss stranger things 4 theories and make friends

ps this is the second to last chapter :(

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