traffic report

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"Alright gang, we're in Pennsylvania. About thirteen miles away from New York," Weekes announced. We were at an abandoned hotel in Pennsylvania, apparently.

"Everyone get a room. Stay on the same floor, alright? And don't eat the hotel soap. I found that out the hard way," Roxy said, pulling her black messenger bag out of the trunk.

"Wanna room together?" Max asked Nancy. Nancy shrugged and followed Max into the abandoned building. Hopper and Joyce walked in silence after them.

"So, I'm assuming you two lovebirds want to room together," Roxy said with a smirk.

"Shut up," (Y/n) said, walking past her angrily. Roxy laughed, even though I don't think (Y/n) was kidding. Helena and Weekes walked into the hotel, leaving just me and Roxy outside.

"After you, Romeo," she said mockingly. I rolled my eyes and walked into the lobby. The place was not in good shape. Monsters had clearly gotten into the place; there was dried blood on the grey carpets and monster goo on the white walls.

I saw (Y/n) turn the corner, so I followed her to the elevator.

"What floor are we on?" I asked.

"I think seven," (Y/n) said, pressing the 'up' elevator button. The doors opened to reveal a dirty elevator. I don't think this was a very high end hotel to begin with, so the apocalypse definitely made it even more out of shape.

"How far away do you think we are from the BLIND building?" I asked.

"It's in NYC. I'm not sure how far away we are from there. We should probably get there within the next couple of days," she explained.

"Are we gonna train, or something?" I asked.

"Probably. We'll probably shack up a couple miles away from the building and spend a few days training," she said. The elevator doors opened to reveal a dark and damp hallway.

"This doesn't seem right," I said, the hairs on my neck standing up. (Y/n) pulled a small silver handgun from her pocket and held it out in front of her, cautiously walking into the hallway.

"Do you have a flashlight?" She asked.

"Yeah, hold on," I said, dropping my backpack and pulling out my small red flashlight. I handed it to her and she flicked it on, walking through the hall.

"Hello? Joyce? Nancy? Helena?" She called out. There was a light growl sound from a room at the end of the hall.

"Nope. Nah. We are leaving," I said, turning on my heel and walking back towards the elevator.

"Get back here, you pussy. We can't just let that thing stay here with us," (Y/n) said, grabbing my backpack and yanking me towards her. I groaned and followed her through the hallway.

"Are you sure about this? We can just have Hopper go in there and rip that thing in half. He's jacked, you know," I whispered.

"No. We can do this on our own," she hissed.

We reached the end of the hallway and looked at the door of the cursed room. Of course, it was room 313.

"Thirteen. Nope. That's an unlucky number. It's a sign," I said, turning to leave. (Y/n) stomped on my foot and I turned back around.

She kicked the door open, to reveal a small 'demo-dog' sitting on the bed. It was gnawing on something, it looked like a stick.

It let out a throaty shriek before charging towards us. (Y/n) kicked the thing in it's head, sending it flying back towards the bed. She walked in, gun in hand, as the thing recoiled in pain.

I hid behind her, terrified. I didn't have a gun on me, I let Max borrow it for target practice.

"Take this, you slimy piece of shit!" She yelled, shooting it in the face. I noticed she had a red wooden baseball bat sticking out of her backpack. With a smirk, I pulled it out and held it in front of me.

It reminded me of Steve and his baseball bat with nails at the end of it. I wish I would've kept that, it probably would've been helpful.

She shot the monster a couple of times, weakening it.

"Fuck!" She yelled, running out of bullets.

"Move!" I exclaimed. She stepped out of the way before I ran through, smacking the monster with the bat. I screamed as I kept hitting it, getting it's blood absolutely everywhere.

"Jesus fuck," (Y/n) said, wiping monster blood off of her arm.

"Oops. Sorry," I said, looking at the dead monster in front of me.

"Let's go find the others," she said, pulling a black walkie-talkie from her pocket.

"You guys have walkie-talkies?" I asked.

"We do. Now shut up," she said with a smile, pressing the button on her walkie-talkie. "What floor are you guys on? Over."

"Floor six, over," Weekes replied.

"Me and my friends used to have walkie-talkies. Not the cool little ones, the dorky big ones," I said with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah? Those used to be the shit," she said, walking back towards the elevator.

"Used to be?"

"Yeah. It's not 1983 anymore, dipshit. It's 1987," she said.

"I know what year it is," I said sassily.

"Really? The way you dress says otherwise," she said with a smug smile.

"Okay, Miss Mysterious. Get in the goddamn elevator," I said, playfully shoving her into the elevator.

She pressed the button for floor six, and the elevator sluggishly brought us there. I used to have a fear of elevators. Lucas once said that if an elevator cord breaks, the elevator flies to the bottom and you die. I've been scared since.

"What's up losers!" (Y/n) said, stepping out of the elevator. I didn't even realize the doors opened, I guess I was just zoning out.

I had been doing that a lot. Zoning out, I mean. (Y/n) said disassociating was normal when you hold in your emotions. She was so smart, how did she know all of this stuff?

"Alright, this room is ours," Helena said, pointing to room 615.

"This is ours," Hopper said, motioning his head towards room 617, the one right next to Helena and Weekes'.

"Max and Nancy's is 616. Mine is 618. (Y/n) and Mike, yours is 619," Roxy said.

"And don't you do anything inappropriate. We share a wall, Michael," Hopper said, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Shut up, old man," I said with a smirk, running into my room. (Y/n) followed, laughing.

"So, slumber party?" (Y/n) asked, dropping her bag onto the floor.

"Oh, you bet your ass."

𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 [𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now