Mosasaurus attack!

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* Katari's POV *
I Was Swimming in the Dazzling Forest rivers I'm in the Clearest Sea Of all Dazzling Forest since Almost every River or Ocean or Sea Has Colors in it. I mean Of course The Oceans and rivers would have Colors. But I mean Like Cosmic & Universal Colors. I would Probably Die in 15 minutes If I was in those oceans. While eating my Bony Fish I Heard a Scream. I'm a mosasaurus I know I'm Suppose to Not care because my kind usually Only cares about themselves But I'm a bit different. Well everyone is Different But you guys Know What I'm talking about. Or as modern People say you know what I mean.

I Swam up From the top of the River and Poked my head out of the Oceanus Water, and saw Herbivores Getting Beaten from The tyrannosaur Empire. And I'm Not just talking about getting beat up. I'm talking about there literally Biting The herbivores Flesh and ripping it off and there's Triceratops Trying to Stab there Horns into The Tyrannosaurs. The fight was starting to Get very Brutal So I Did Something. I Swam back down To the Bottom of the River and swam as fast as I can. Well because we Mosasaurs Are the Most fastest Reptiles in all of the Dinosaur Age so mean it's not Hard. (Also Really Quick Mosasaurs Aren't Dinosaurs There Marine Reptiles But I understand why people Get them mixed up With dinosaurs 🥰)

I Swam Up to the surface Really Fast I Was about to Reach the surface and I Did. I Jumped out of the water like a Whale and Connected my Jaws With one of the Tyrannosaurus-Rexs Neck and it was Easy Because I'm Way bigger then a T-Rex And Any-other Predator Of the Dinosaur Age. I Then Swam back to The Water With the T-Rex in my mouth and Ate it. Delicious .

* Alitas POV *
I was still Hiding In the huge dazzling Bushes Doing Nothing and watching as the fight Proceeds To Happen a Mosasaurus Just took One of the Tyrannosaurs and Swam back down into the Water.
Scare Eyed T-Rex : "Let's Move! Out! "
The Scare eyed Tyrant lizard Called the others so they can flee. And they Did. After the Tyrannosaurs Left the Mosasaurus Came back from the Water, Looking to see if anyone is hurt. And there was a Edmontosaurus with Scratches on its Back. I then stopped being a Scared cat and Came out of the Huge Bushes.
Unknown Mosasaurus: "Hey! Who are you and why where you in the bush"
The Mosasaurus Asked and settled on the Dazzling Grass.
Alita: "I just saw you take care of the Tyrannosaurs that was pretty cool"
Unknown Mosasaurus: " Save your gratitude for later you don't have to thank me"
Alita: Yes I do because you saved my Favorite Place in the World and them"
I said Mentioning The herbivores.
Alita: "Well what's your Name?" I Asked Getting closer to him.
Unknown Mosasaurus: "Katari My name is Katari"
Alita: "Well hello Katari it's Nice to Meet You"
Katari: "Nice to meet you too"

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