Christmas Angel

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Christmas is meant to be one of the best parts in a year. The soft, powder-like snow falling down, covering the streets with its cold sweetness, and bells ringing outside your window, along with those merry songs that you only get to hear once a year. People forgetting their agony and stress, even if that's only for a night, while their Christmas tree would stand tall somewhere in their house, illuminated with little lights, glowing freely in the darkness of the night.

A fire would sometimes burn loudly in the fire-place and candles would be lit and placed on the table where you would be dinning on. Presents would lay all around the house, and no worries would float through the air. The only thing would be that wonderful Christmas atmosphere, usually coming with the slight scent of cinnamon.

However, in a small house located in a poor, old village, lived a man. Now, unfourtnetly, his days were numbered as his breathing grew more weary as every minute passed by, yet, there he was, laying on his bed on Christmas Eve. He had a perfect view of his window from where he happened to be sitting, and so he was able to enjoy the last hours of his life just by staring at the snow fall down from the sky.

He growled silently. The man didn't like Christmas, nor did he enjoy the snow. He had no family to visit and no hope in this world. What could a man, living in that manner, even do when he's alive? For certain he could never stand people, or animals or any other thing that popped up in his way. When you looked, you could tell that in this person's eyes there was no sign of love, kindness or sweetness - just hatred and sadness.

Some of us might associate this description of the man with the word angst, horror, stupid, normal, truthful, or even correct. It all depends of ourselves, really. Yet, whatever way you looked at it and considered it, at least one thing was certain; he was to be erased from the face of the Earth forever.

The dirty streets outside his window were quiet and there was no light in his room, except for the one that the moon reflected into it. He so much longed for the moment when all his suffering would end and when he would finally be able to forget about this world's ugliness and stupidity. He was looking forward to one thing - dying and leaving everyone else behind.

Just the way they left me. He thought bitterly. Just the way they threw me in the bin like I was some kind of filthy, old sock that you have to get rid of once it gets too stinky. Just the way you would kick a donkey in the ribs if it won't do what you asked it to. To them, I was nothing more but a damn pest hanging around in the toilet. Curse them... them who think of me as the little dog poo that you step in as you are walking down the road and that which destroys your brand new shoes. Yes, to my family I am nothing. Literally. Nothing.

That thought didn't leave his head, and neither was it planning on doing so. Horrible memories flooded his mind, those of when he had been abandoned, at the age of five. He couldn't remember his parents or anyone else in his family, but that feeling that you get when you know that somebody doesn't want you anymore is unbearable. Tears rolled down from his eyes and for once, that look of bitterness and hatred in him died and revealed a look of terror and angst.

The man had never felt how it's like to be loved, and neither did he feel how it's like to love someone. His life had been filled with blindness and never did he get to see the real side of things.

His breathing was getting heavier and heavier and slowly he closed his eyes.

Silence fell.



Suddenly, the sound of bells rung across the street. The man, surprised, lifted his eye lids in order to see what was happening. There, in the distance, he could just make out through his window, the silhouette of a person.

As it got closer, the sight of the pair of wings that hung from the person's back was incrediable. The figure was wearing a white robe and in one hand, it held a golden bell which it lifted up and down in order to create the sound that sounded almost sweet to the man. A smile was spread across the person's gentle face, as it got even closer.

'W...w...wh...what?' the man managed to mutter, more to himself than anyone else.

The angel stopped ringing the bell, as it brought both its hands together to create a blinding light that filled the room in no time. The man had to shield his eyes with his arm, in order to not get blinded by the light. When he looked up again, the angel had dissappeared, and so did his disease. Surprised, he gasped shortly.

I have given you a new beginning,

For as you didn't understand the meaning,

Of what I say to be the so called life and world,

And you shall learn how to enjoy and love.

Do not despair upon what you have lost,

Nothing here has much of a cost.

If  one door closes, one then opens,

And as you move on, life surely softens.

Live on and live well,

For as it's going to be a long time, until you again hear my bell...

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