Maple leaf : 2

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Chapter 2 - Maple leaf 🍁

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Chapter 2 - Maple leaf 🍁

I was once told that I indeed care too much about people, to such an extent that it sometimes causes others trouble... Lisa sighed. Sometimes, in the end, people simply don't want other people to bother them. They don't want to be cared about. But Lisa couldn't just break this habit. Deep within her heart, she was very much worried about him.

Jungkook was in a souvenir shop. He was looking at the magnificent souvenirs until one certain thing caught his eye. It was a pretty necklace with blue and red beads. It had an ancient look to it.

Jungkook was holding that necklace in his hand while parts of his past came rushing to his mind. A girl was holding a blue umbrella. It was raining heavily. She had shoulder-length brown hair and was looking at the sky, rather cheerfully. Jungkook looked at her lovingly, with his beautiful, brown eyes (His past). Jungkook's hand started trembling. His head began to ache.

"SIR!!" Jungkook jumped in surprise and froze in his place. "Sir, are you interested in jewellery? Going to give it to your girlfriend?" Lisa leaned in next to him and asked innocently. What she was already prepared for, was his sudden outburst, which happened sooner than she thought.

"You! What on earth! Suddenly appearing like that?!" Jungkook's veins were popping out with anger.

"If you want to buy gifts then you truly came to the right place! The ancient-style rogue manufactured at our next stop, maozhao town, is especially famous! Your girlfriend will like it!" Lisa told in her cheerful voice with a huge smile, waving her arms up in the air, not minding Jungkook, who was raging in anger now.

"Who cares?! Don't just appear out of nowhere!? It's terrifying, you'll scare people to death!!" Jungkook screamed on top of his lungs and slammed the necklace that he had picked up, back to its basket. Lisa quietly looked at the necklace. She shook her head in guilt and caught up with Jungkook, a few seconds later.

"It's unavoidable, it's my duty to take care of my visitors. If I feel that your mood isn't great, then I can't help but coming back and checking on you" Lisa said giving him an apologetic smile, slightly shaking her head.

Jungkook had enough. He just wanted to be alone and thought that he had to confront the tour guide about this matter. "Listen up miss tour guide, I just want to be left alone, so please take your enthusiasm and direct it at other visitors, got it?"

"No problem. But rest assured, if there's anything you want to say... I'm always here" Lisa said while giving him a thumbs up. She then hopped away like a bunny in the opposite direction.

"What is up with tour guides these days?" Jungkook mouthed and looked at her with pure disgust. But what he didn't know was that Lisa won't give up that easily...

The maple leaves continue to fall and the autumn season brings a sense pleasantness along with it. People in the surrounding areas were cheerfully and happily enjoying their vacation. Well, except for Jungkook.

Lisa has been following Jungkook since morning. It wasn't that hard for Jungkook to notice her, and he was furious! What on earth does she want?!? Jungkook thought. "That's enough! How long are you prepared to pester me for? Can you not follow my ass like a puppy?" Jungkook raged with a disdainful look.

"Hmm? Have I been discovered?" Lisa asked innocently giving him a silly smile.

"Do you think you're a ninja!? Such a big person tailing me, I'm not blind! Tell me the truth, what's  your purpose?" Jungkook started questioning while pointing his finger at her.

"As I said before, it seems like you're not having fun. And I'm just the kind of person that genuinely finds it very easy to care about others." Lisa gave him a faint smile.

Jungkook frowned. He immediately accepted defeat and said, "Whatever, you seem to love following me, so keep following, fine. But let's be clear, I'm not going to talk to you."

"No problem! It's fine as long as you don't forcibly drive me away..." How did I encounter this kind of person? She's haunting me like a ghost! Jungkook fake cried while Lisa was tagging along with Jungkook happily.

Just then, Lisa remembered something, she asked, "Oh right! Weren't you looking at gifts for your girlfriend just now? If you want to buy a rogue I can help by recommending you some colours!" Jungkook halted in his steps. Lisa continued facing his back, "Don't worry, even I learned how to use makeup back in the day..!"

Jungkook just froze in his steps. He then spoke softly, "I don't have a girlfriend anymore."



Hi guys! I'm sorry if the story is processing in a slow manner, but trust me.., it's gonna be worth it, please give it a go...

And I can't promise that Lisa and Jungkook will always end up being together... because sometimes it may affect the actual essence of the story and some people fail to understand the original meaning of the story...

I will try to give my best...! Hwaiting!

the wonderful colours of lipstick. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz