First meeting

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Your POV

I can't believe I'm moving again. New town, new people, same old bull shit. I just wish my mom didn't have to move me right after I was getting used to my new school, good thing i didn't get anyone's info before I left.

"Where are we moving again?"

"A little town called gravity falls sweetheart"

"Why are we moving again?"

She smiles sweetly, "I told you, my job was laying me off and we couldn't afford the apartment much longer. I know you liked the last school but now since it's the summer, you can explore and get to meet people ahead of time so you don't feel awkward."

"Yeah until we move again", I lean into the window and watch the city scape disappear while putting in my headphones. I sneak a peak over to see her disappointment, and i feel a little bad for upsetting her but it feels like every other time.

Wendy's POV

"Ugggh" I groan as finally get up and get ready for work at the mystery shack. I make my way down to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal and notice all the dishes. On second thought I'll just eat something at the mystery shack. I start walking through town to the shack and notice a moving van heading for the apartments near the shack. I decide to go and pass by cause we haven't had anybody move into town in a while. Well besides my boss Stan's niece, Mabel, and nephew, Dipper. I see a nice looking lady with dark brown hair, put up in a messy ponytail, not quite a bun but close. With a bit of 90's look to her kinda chill, but she looks so exhausted. Before i turn down the street i see another person get out of the van and I can't help but stop and stair. He's so tall, and hot.

Your POV

It all looks so run down and crazy, definitely a different change of pace. Almost alluring. I follow my mom into the building and just sit around while she fills out the paper work.

"Why don't you go explore sweetie, this could take a while"

I nod at her and give her a hug. I look down at my phone while i open the door and hear a thud followed by an Ow. I look up and notice a girl holding her nose.

"Ah shit I'm sorry!"

"It's cool man, is my nose bleeding" she uncovers her face. I cup her face in my hands not thinking about it to check. I feel her face get warm and notice she's blushing. "A-anything", she studders slightly.

I pull her face down to look at me, "No all good." We both just stare at one another and I realize I've been holding her face to long. I let go and feel my face heat up a little. "Sorry... about the door and the nose i mean."

"No no dude, your all good. Well I need to head to work, I'm running late anyways. See you around?"

I mean to say 'you too' but instead what comes out is "hopefully". I can't help but blush at my own comment. She just smirks, "well you can always hangout with me at my work."

"And where exactly is that?"

"The mystery shack, a little ways out near the edge of town."

Your mom comes outside where you're at, "I'll text you when everything is ready sweetheart, taking a little longer than I thought."

"Ok mom", she just smiles at you and her and walks back inside.

"Might as well go to this 'mystery shack' of yours since I'm free."

"Follow me", she smirks and starts walking.

Leave any critiques if you'd like and I'll try to take requests. Experimenting with this app a little more and giving myself something to do.

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