Chapter Twelve

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[A week later]

We were done with the classes for the day, I've tried all possible means to see Grace and talk to her but she doesn't want to see me at all. I've reconciled with Favour although she still wishes we are together. 

I traced Grace from school till she got to her hostel at Tipper Garage that evening. When she was about to enter her room, I came out from behind her and knelt down before her seeking for forgiveness. Grace wasn't moved by pleas at all.

"Haven't I warned you to stay away from me? Avoid me Timmy, please" she yelled at me

"Grace, you can call me anything you want to call me, I'll take them. but forgive me please. I know I messed up and what I did was really bad but I am now a changed person." I said still on my kneels with tears running down my face.

Grace looked at me sympathetically, and rubbed her palms on my cheeks and said calmly "Timmy, I am done with you. We are not getting back together," she walked towards the door that leads to her room. I tried pulling her legs but she stepped on my fingers with the high heel shoe she was wearing and slammed the door behind and locked it.

"Ouch," I cried, my hands hurt for a moment I thought they'd never work again. I was in agony and my fingers were aching, hot tears began to drop freely from my face like an opened dam. I stood at the same spot calling after her "Grace!  Grace!!  Grace!!! Grace!!! Just hear me out please," After so many minutes of shouting, I thought she would be moved by my tears and pleas and then forgive me but I was damn wrong. I decided not to leave her hostel that evening until she attends to me.

I removed my shirt, placed it at her doorstep and then slept off.

Some hours later, I woke up to someone's helpless kicks on my ribs. I felt pain over there. I opened my eyes and I saw Grace,  she became the heartless one.  She went inside again,  I thought she wanted to take me in until she came out with a bucket of water and poured it all over me like I had passed out. I was soaked from head to toe,  my phone, money and my credit card too.

Everyone in her hostel came out of their room to see what had happened.  I could see that all of them in that hostel were ladies. It was then it dawned on me that Grace was living in a female only hostel.

Majority of the girls criticized Grace for treating me so bad. Some of them wondered how I got in while few of the girls helped me up. I was cleaned up and they dried me up. I took my shirt although, still soaked with water and carried my bag.  I finally left her hostel. For good.

Inspite of what Grace did to me, and the shame I went through, I still loved her but was tempted to go back to Favour finally. At least, she's ready to accept me even though I betrayed her trust. I guess love is stupid, idiotic and dumb.

I still waited for Grace for few weeks. Before i made up my mind to go back to Favour if Grace fails to give a positive response.

On a fateful evening,  I was in my hostel trying to write a story about my life. I wanted to write about all that happened between Favour, Grace and I but on a second thought I felt it wasn't right so I decided to write a story about my memories and the good life I've once lived. While thinking about where to start from, the door suddenly flung opened and there was the love of my life standing at the doorstep,  looking gorgeous like ever before.  She wore a white gown which was well slim fitted,  the gown barely reached her foot, it brought out her hourglass figure. I was looking at her with a face full of surprises; I couldn't close my mouth.  She wore a makeup which was moderate, her face was fresh and her dreadlock hair was superb. She came into the room and stood right in front of me.  I got up  from my reading table too and moved close to her. She threw her arms around me and hugged me passionately and she started crying. I hugged her too I became so emotional too that I couldn't help but cry because I knew she came to settle scores with me. I was very happy too.

Later, she released me and then held me by my hands. It was then I realized that we've been hugging the whole time.

"Oluwatimileyin," she started. "I want to tell you something"  she said as she sniffed.

"Please go on." I said, with the assurance that I would be getting my girl back that evening.

"Timmy,  I am very sorry for all I've done to you. I didn't mean to but you really hurt my feelings." She said as she broke into fresh tears again. "I trusted you with all I had including my body and my soul but you betrayed my trust. I gave you my all, my body... But you wanted something more than that.  I gave you my heart, like you requested that day at the zoology library. That's what you want right? You should have told me that you love Favour and you were in a relationship with her instead of just deceiving me all in the name of love"

"Hmmmm" I hummed,  I couldn't look at her in the eye.

"You swore that day that you will never betray me," she burst into tears again.  I patted her and murmured something I don't even understand myself.

"Timmy" Grace called me again. "During those period of the break, when I decided not to talk or see you,  I took a drastic step which I regret till this moment."

"What mistake is that? Please tell me" I said with fear.

"I've now reconciled with Oreoluwa and we're now back together." She declared. "He has been disturbing me ever since you proposed to me, he knew about everything that happened between us and he made good use of our break as an excuse. I had no choice than to dance to his tune and take him back."

On hearing this, my head went blank and I couldn't process what she was really saying. I really can't imagine Grace going back to her abusive relationship. She'd confessed to me that Oreoluwa was an asshole and the guy had abused her quite a lot of times.

Grace's words fall out of her mouth like vapour but landed in my guts as a shrapnel. I feel tears in the inside, and the blood drain from my face. I would laugh but she's deadly serious. Her eyes were cold like I've never seen and her features immobile. She looked like someone who was about to vomit. Her hands back the birthday present I gave her and she lets it fall as soon as its weight hits my palm. There is the hard sound of metal on the concrete floor but neither of us moved to pick it up. I tried so hard to understand the words she just uttered but I couldn't. She must have loved me so hard, she has, since the beginning of our love story, and to be honest I think she's the only one that ever has loved me back in return. Then she turned to go, shoulders sunken and her hands in her pockets. Before I knew what I was doing, I was standing in her way and we lock eyes, the perfect distance for a kiss, but she shook her head. I can see my pain mirrored in her dark eyes. This smacks of duty. She always said we'd end up together, I guess they were lies after all.

I felt like my whole world just crashed right before my eye and I finally had the courage to talk to Grace. "I'll take the blame, it is my fault, not yours. If I haven't messed up, this wouldn't have happened" I said soberly with tears in my eyes. They weren't dropping yet so it made my vision blurred,  I blinked twice and they poured down freely like an opened dam.

She held my hand again and i look into her eyes and said calmly. "I wish you happiness with your man"

She replied too "I wish you happiness with your woman too." We hugged ourselves for what seems to  be like forever. I wept uncontrollably with no one to stop me.  I cried like a baby.

I had to let her go after all she's not mine anymore. I have to face reality that I've lost Grace to Oreoluwa.

"Timmy,  please go back to Favour.  She really loves you and she'll make a perfect girlfriend for you." Grace said as she picked her hair bond that fell from her head.  She bade me farewell and then kissed me on the forehead and then left my room.

I watched her go. Nothing is as painful as seeing the love of your life with someone else, what hurts than wanting something and knowing full well that you'll never get it again?.

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