My one night

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The ribbon of concrete stretched through the rolling landscape. Charlotte glanced again at her GPS and saw she still had about 2 hours before she reached her hotel. She had planned this day to be the longest of her three driving days but with little to do except put her car in cruise control, have an occasional snack, and empty her bladder she sort of relaxed. But being relaxed to her was relative as the huge uncaring truck drivers either swerved in her way or tried to leer down her blouse or get her to lift the hem of her skirt. 

Charlotte easily ignored the last two but had to watch carefully for the first.

her GPS beeped and she tapped  the brake pedal as she exited the highway, parked in front of the hotel, got out, and stretched before lifting her small suitcase and entering the cool lobby. She was greeted with a cheerful and smiling clerk. A short but very shapely woman. It was not lost to Charlotte that the woman's gaze settled on her chest. Almost everyone she met had the same reaction. Charlotte - a trim blonde 5'7", 125 pounds who was either cursed or blessed with a 36-24-34 figure had learned to accept these - what she called acknowledgements- with an air of mild amusement. 

The woman was dark haired and slightly shorter than Charlotte and her silver name tag said Claudia. This was pinned on the upper curve of her left breast that Charlotte guessed was between an A or B cup. She did her own little bit of staring at "Claudia" who was dressed in a dark green hotel uniform that did not hide the woman's own shape.

Charlotte felt a familiar stirring in her body but dismissed this to fatigue from her 7 hour drive. After signing the hotel register Charlotte picked up her key and started to walk to the elevator but turn to Claudia and placing her hand on the counter asked if there was a good restaurant nearby. To both her surprise and even more to her delight Claudia covered her hand with her won and looked straight into Charlotte's eyes and said she would be getting off work and would she like to join her for dinner. She knew a place that while was not fancy did serve great food. 

Charlotte hesitated for a short time before reaching with her other hand. Claudia was afraid hr hand would be removed but to her surprise and even more so to her delight Charlotte covered it with her own and Claudia noticed where Charlotte's gaze had settled as Charlotte nodded and said yes. 

Claudia felt Charlotte give her hand a gentle but firm squeeze before saying she would freshen up and be back in one hour.

The restaurant proved to be a little on the dim side. As the two women were export by the hostess to a booth and Claudia slid into her seat charlotte hesitated for just the briefest moment before sitting next to her new friend. Either she mistook the woman's comments or this will be a great evening for the both of them. Both women had changed into knee length skirts and blouses. As Charlotte's eyes began to adjust to the light and she began to notice the music she realized that the whole place was filled only with women. Women of all sizes and shapes and ages. She looked at Claudia who smiled deeply and told her she thought and hoped that Charlotte would like this place. She then felt Claudia's thigh press against her own and she relaxed. This was going to be a good night.

They ate (the food was good as Claudia had promised). They danced and ignored any woman who want to cut in and obviously wanted to press against Charlotte's chest. But as Claudia's only came up to Charlotte's chin that place she had decided was reserved for her new friend (Lover???).

Later as they approached the hotel Claudia said she will have to drop Charlotte off at the main entrance so that the night clerk would not be suspicious and she would park and come up stairs in a few minutes. They had held hands on the drive back and now Charlotte leaned over and kissed Claudia on her lips before entering the hotel.

In her room Charlotte emptied her full bladder and closed the scrapes before she heard a tapping on the door. Claudia walked in, shut and locked the door, looked at Charlotte, lingered a second on the swell of charlotte's blouse and the two women wrapped their arms around each other as their lips met and opened to admit each other's tongues. They stood like this locked together letting the warm sensation of their kiss begin to release the kept in desires they both felt when they met 4 hours earlier. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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