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Wussup my name Derrick. I'm 6'0 ft tall n I play for the Giants..... welp... I live wit my cuzin Kymani ((A/n:he aiin important so he aiin in dis story dat much... I think Lml)) Im from Canada... n i met this cute gurl on the bus... I'll tell yall that later right now I gotta get back to football practice Bye Yall!! *he leaves*

Heyy yall !! It's Miracle !! Im 5'5 n I play basketball as my hobby... my mama worried i might break sumthin ~bones~ at skool so... i cant play sports at skool um... I'm from da Islands but i moved ta Tampa,Fl cuhh my mama got a job hea... im finna go now i got a headache *i put my earbuds back in n lay my head on my desk*

Hey my name Mikayla im 5'6 n i play basketball as my hobby since i hate doin p.e at skool *does O.G Maco voice* Fvck Em Fvck Em Fvck Em !! *back to normal* Im from the Islands but moved ta Tampa,Fl cuz my mama got a job hea... im fvckin sick... bye shidd fvck dis inerview shit...... *turns off light n goes back to sleep*

Wussup my name Orlando Im from da Bronx im 6'0 n i dont do shit but play meh got Takis n gum))...mostly sleep doe but aye im finna holla at yall later im finna tap *he turns off his light n goes to sleep*

Is This Love ??Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora