She wasn't even asked if she wanted to stay there...he just told her she was doing so.

It was one thing for him to want to protect her, it was another on ordering her around.

It down right pissed her off.

"Come now, I know you want to ask some questions" Draco smirked when the girls eyes narrowed.

She was cute...she reminded him of a kitten trying to be a big bad lioness.

"I don't get a say in any of I..." Kagome asked, eyes still narrowed when she asked the question.

"Whatever gave you that idea..." The smirk on his face grew, as he tapped the spine of the book he had been reading on his lips.

"Oh...I don't know...the 'you are mine' and being told I was moving dorms...not even bothering to ask me first might have helped in that conclusion." She was irritated. Kagome did appreciate the sentiment, but she didn't like to be ordered around like she was some kind of property.

Draco chuckled, "You, Higurashi, don't know a lot about Slytherins. We do what we need to do to protect what we deem is matter what anyone says, even the person we are protecting."

He had seen his father do it plenty of times with his mother as well as for himself. He did learn it was for the better. He learned the hard way too, and ended up rather hurt. Not to mention, very angry parents.

"Why am I his...sure I kissed him...but that is all." Kagome muttered. She really didn't think Slytherins were that different from Ravenclaws...but it looks like she was being proved differently.

"That is all you had to do..." Draco looked at her, a serious expression on his face, "You captured his attention..that is all anyone has to do for a Slytherin to deem someone theirs..."

"That isn't fair!" Kagome whispered as loud as she could, making her throat hurt. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she went and clutched her throat in pain.

"Idiot girl, you're injured! You should know better than to yell!" Draco cursed. He didn't think she would yell, her throat wasn't healed enough for her to do so yet.

Draco sighed as the girl settled down she was still clutching her throat though.

"It might not be fair, but that is how Slytherins are..." He paused as he ran a hand through his hair, " will learn a lot more about us Slytherins as you live in the dorms"

Kagome could only glare at him, hand on her throat. She didn't speak just continued to glare.

It seemed life just didn't want to be fair to her...but she would be damned if she didn't find a way to make things easier for her.

She needed a plan...a really good plan.

"Ah! There you are." Kagome turned along with Draco to see a girl.

"Pansy" Draco greeted, a small smile on his lips as he greeted her, "How can we help you on this lovely day."

Pansy grinned, "Blaise wanted me to come get Kagome...I am going to be taking her back to her dorms to get her things...then bring her to the Slytherin dorms."

Kagome's eyebrow twitched at this, did he really think he could get away with this. 'God damn bastard.' Kagome thought, blue eyes lighting up with fire as she glared down at the table.

Kagome stood and bypassed Pansy with a hurt and irritated expression, she felt completely useless, but worse, she felt ignored. She hated when an option and choice that should be given, was in fact...not.

"Ah...hey, where are you going?" Pansy chased after her, "You listening to me? Stop!"

Kagome flinched away from Pansy's hand which had reached out and taken her shoulder.

Pansy mentally kicked herself at acting so rashly, "Sorry, but you are ignoring me. Look...I know what you are thinking, you don't have to be able to speak for me to know. Blaise wants you safe...and Draco and I are his friends, so we have already decided on helping him protect you."

"But...why? Why can't you guys leave me alone? You're causing more trouble for me..."

Pansy laughed, "Oh really, I promise you...once we are done with Cho, she'll be too afraid to even look your way."

Kagome frowned, she didn't condone hurting people, even if she thought they might deserve it, to actually do something was not what she would do. "You aren't going to hurt her, are you?"

"Hurt her? No...we're going to traumatize her. Fear is a much greater weapon than that of the promise of pain...though, I honestly prefer the later of the two...Blaise is one who prefers to crush ones mind."

Kagome shivered at the thought, she was surprised that she could hold such a normal, well...somewhat normal, conversation with the slytherin Princess. "...I don't want to be enslaved..." she voiced her fear and watched the girls eyes widen.

"Oh Merlin, is that what you think we're doing to you?!" Pansy walked forward and took Kagome's hands in hers, "You know so little about Slytherins...for such a smart little Raven, you sure lack a lot of really useful information,"

"..." Kagome knew she'd just been insulted, and the frown on her face showed Pansy that she was well aware of that jabb, "What useful information do I not possess?"

Pansy sighed, "Where to about, cunning, ambition and determination...we are all evil because of these traits...right?"

Kagome shook her head, "I didn't say-"

"But you heard, and therefore believed...but there is more to a Slytherin than that. We are Resourceful and Intelligent, we believe in Tradition, and Self-Preservation...most, if not all of us, possess Leadership Qualities...funny how the good traits are outshined but what people perceive as bad. However, ambition is far from evil...a want to go far in life...determination is a sign of our persistence...cunning in our ability to find a solution to a dangerous situation."

Kagome frowned, it was a new view when she heard it spoke like that, in fact, they didn't sound snake-like at all when it was explained this way. "..."

Pansy laughed, "You know, despite their menacing reputation, snakes are beautiful, ancient and enchanting creatures. Though, I won't lie, many of them will bite and release venom when they feel threatened, it isn't their favorite of pastimes. They would much prefer sliding through grass and sunbathing in silence, unseen. We, as Slytherin's, are much the same. If someone threatens us..." she placed her arm over Kagome's shoulders, "...or one of ours, we will bite, and our venom will spread deep into the veins of that person...but we enjoy Quidditch, and relaxing by the lake, just as much as the next Hogwarts student."

Kagome looked to be in thought before she smiled, "If you have time, after we gather my things from Ravenclaw Dormitory, can you tell me more about the snake?"


Kagome found, in such a strange house, a person she was sure would be her best friend in the future. She was now looking forward to the change in scenery, and hoping, for what may be, a change in pace.

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