Chapter 21 (part 2)

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Note: some of chapter 21 wasn't in last chapter for some reason...soooo here Is part two. The next chapter should be out in a few days or so too ^^

Chapter 21 part 2

Blaise stood in the corridor outside Severus Snape's office, his heart pounding like a drum, anxiety gnawing at his resolve. This conversation had been a long time coming, and he couldn't postpone it any further. He took a deep breath to steady himself and raised his hand to knock on the imposing wooden door.

"Enter," Snape's voice, as chilly as ever, resonated from behind the door.

Blaise pushed the door open, revealing the dimly lit chamber within. Severus Snape was seated behind his imposing desk, engrossed in a pile of parchment covered in meticulous, swirling script. The room was an organized chaos of shelves filled with jars of exotic potion ingredients and thick, dusty volumes on dark magic. The sole source of illumination came from a single flickering candle on the desk, casting eerie shadows that danced around the room.

Severus Snape's intense, coal-black eyes flicked up to meet Blaise's as he entered, and his expression remained enigmatic as he gestured for Blaise to speak.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Blaise began, "Severus, I've come to discuss Kagome."

A single raised eyebrow from Snape prompted Blaise to continue. The silence in the room was oppressive, and Blaise could feel the weight of Snape's scrutiny like a physical force.

"I've been turning to you for guidance every time there's an issue with Kagome," Blaise admitted, his voice steady but tinged with apprehension. "I want you to know how much I appreciate your help. But, I've realized that I can't keep relying on you to handle our problems. If I truly want to be more to Kagome than just her caretaker, I need to step up and communicate with her directly."

The seconds dragged on, the only sound in the room being the faint simmering of a potion on a nearby burner. Snape's gaze remained unwavering, and Blaise felt like he was under a microscope.

Finally, Snape spoke, his voice as measured as ever. "Blaise, your dedication to Miss Higurashi has not escaped my notice. I've seen your genuine concern for her well-being. However, your decision is a wise one. If you intend to forge a deeper connection with her, transparent and open communication is paramount."

Blaise exhaled, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him. "I understand it won't be straightforward, and I'm prepared to make mistakes along the way. But I'm willing to try."

Severus Snape leaned back in his chair, his fingers interlaced as he regarded Blaise with a discerning look. "You have my support, Blaise. Remember, Miss Higurashi is a resilient and independent young woman. Treat her with respect, and give her the space to express herself."

Blaise nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Severus. Your insight is invaluable to me."

With a final nod from Snape, Blaise turned to exit the office, his determination to build a more profound connection with Kagome burning brighter than ever. It was time to shed his insecurities and embark on the journey of forging a meaningful bond with the girl who had captured his heart. While he knew it wouldn't be without its challenges, he was committed to opening up his heart and mind to Kagome's world.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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